John Carter , Founder, TCGen Inc. For technology companies, the growth and success of individuals (and the company) can be inhibited by poor...
Sales Opportunity Pipeline – Use this Sales Opportunity Pipeline tool to track opportunities, identify sales cycle stages, and predict future...
Sales Growth Team Charter - Use Demand Metric’s Sales Growth Team Charter template to set the mandate and outline key responsibilities for this new...
Sales Forecasting Tool – Use this tool to prioritize and manage sales opportunities, and chart the following: Total vs. Expected Revenue,...
Sales Effectiveness Strategy Scorecard - Use this Sales Effectiveness Scorecard to document sales-based objectives, initiatives, measures, and...
Sales Call Reporting Tool - The purpose of this tool is to assist you with reporting on sales call results. This tool can be used in conjunction with...
Selecting the right consultant for your organization can be a very daunting task. Choose right, and you have a very successful project and everyone...
Vendor consolidation is a business strategy whose goal is to provide the same or increased service & quality levels from vendors, while reducing...
Developing a strong governance process requires cross-functional alignment on marketing decisions. Implement a Sales & Marketing Steering...
Regulatory compliance, climate change awareness, and strong corporate governance have lead to a rapid increase in the number of organizations who...
Your budget has already been reduced drastically this year. Expenditures are being examined very closely by Finance, and projects that do not provide...
