John Carter , Founder, TCGen Inc. For technology companies, the growth and success of individuals (and the company) can be inhibited by poor...
Product Sanity-Check Tool – The purpose of this tool is to drive consensus on the product development process: market requirements, product...
Product Roadmap - Use this Product Roadmap to analyze market segment needs, trends, products, and technology required to produce market-driven...
Product Requirements Document - The purpose of this tool is to provide the product development team with the business requirements they need to build...
Product Profitability Analysis Tool - Use our Product Profitability Analysis tool to document and analyze: Product Name, Price, Unit Cost, Unit Sales...
Product Positioning Tool – The purpose of this tool is to help you position your product by: defining the product, highlighting the target market,...
Product Marketing Manager Job Description – Reporting to the Director of Product Management, the Product Marketing Manager is responsible for...
Product Management Maturity Assessment – Use this tool to measure your organization’s Product Management & Marketing process maturity.
Product Management Director Job Description – Use this tool to create a job description for your product management leader.
Product Launch Checklist - The purpose of this tool is to provide a checklist for the product launch process.
Product GAP Analysis Tool – Use this tool to strategically plan for improvements to Market Research, Product Strategy, Capabilities, Technology, and...
