Demand Metric membership eclipses 20,000
Demand Metric now has over 20,000 members, a one-third increase in membership in just six months, and the company is on track to approach full-year membership growth of 100 percent by the end of 2012.
Demand Metric provides almost 400 practical marketing tools & templates, which are accessible to users via membership. “When I started Demand Metric in 2006, my vision was to deliver practical tools to marketing professionals that rivaled tool sets from well-known and highly respected consulting firms,” says Jesse Hopps, Chief Executive Officer of Demand Metric. “In the course of executing this business model, we’ve tried to do three things very well. The first is to provide great content for marketing professionals; the second is to do it with regularity and the third is to have a quality team that provides great support to those who align themselves with us via a membership. I think the exceptional growth we’ve experienced this year validates our business model and indicates that Demand Metric is providing value to its members.”
Contributing to Demand Metric’s growth during the past year is a number of new offerings and content types. Methodologies, comprehensive guides that utilize a number of Demand Metric tools, are now available to lead members through implementing processes at a strategic level. Currently, there are eight methodologies covering topics like Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing Communications and others. Methodologies have emerged as the most downloaded content type on the Demand Metric website in the short time they have been available.
In early 2012, Demand Metric began hosting free webinars and paid online workshops to provide members with more in-depth education on marketing topics. These sessions allow members to hear directly from marketing experts and ask questions, and as a result, are popular with members, as one recently stated, “Your webinars are outstanding. They are concise and highly informative.”
Another key initiative for Demand Metric is offering advisory and professional services to its members. “Offering services was a natural extension of what we were already doing,” continues Hopps. “Many of our members have embraced a content marketing strategy, so much of what we’re doing for members involves content creation. We’ve helped them author business plans, sales presentations, web copy, white papers and just about any form of content you can imagine.”
The nature of marketing work creates a promising future for Demand Metric. “Marketing professionals often used homegrown tools and templates to facilitate their work,” concludes Hopps. “Because these professionals are by nature extremely busy, their homegrown tools are functional but often incomplete, because the tool authors don't have the time to research best practices. As a result, their tools are more like Band-Aids and not the strategic levers they should be. At Demand Metric, we’re able to create rich, highly functional tools and deliver them on demand to our members. As long as we continue to do that well, we’ll continue to grow our membership.”