Building A Data Driven Website – Taking the Guess Work Out of Your Website

John Follett

B2B Data Demandbase 2 2015 600

You’ve heard a lot about the need for a data-driven website…but where do you start?

The idea of using data to drive marketing and business decisions is definitely attractive, and all the buzz these days. But with so much data available, and so many areas the B2B website covers, it can be overwhelming. You might have a redesign coming up, a big product launch, or just yearly planning, and you know there’s more you could be doing with your data to help guide those initiatives.

Modern analytics and data solutions offer an enormous range of power, and the savvy web marketer can use these tools to help take the guesswork out of their efforts.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Determine goals and priorities
  • Unlock your existing data and focus on what matters most
  • Simplify and operationalize reporting and analysis
  • Close the loop to share and use actionable insights

By following the tips set out in this session, your team will no longer have to guess whether your website is an effective B2B marketing tool.


Click Here to Register for this Session!