Digital Marketing Best Practices Guide

Resource Overview

Read this best practices report to learn how Digital Marketing has evolved and how to implement Digital Marketing functions within your company.


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Executive Summary

It has been said that “All Marketing is Digital Marketing.” And with good reason! In the last decade (or less), the marketing environment has been transformed.

Marketing has moved from an environment in which traditional marketing, brick and mortar storefronts and Digital Marketing options all competed for the time, attention and resources of the marketing department to one in which Digital Marketing reigns supreme – with an occasional nod in the direction of the storefront, or traditional marketing (direct mail, print advertising, etc.)

One of the biggest challenges of Digital Marketing is the speed of which it has taken over the marketing organization, often in an ad hoc, uncoordinated fashion.

Demand Metric’s research has consistently shown that Digital Marketing has a very significant and positive impact on the organizations that are employing it when they do so by following best practices and processes in a coordinated, holistic approach.

In this Best Practices Report on Digital Marketing we will cover the Digital Marketing landscape in five distinct categories - Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Video Marketing and Public Relations

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. What is Digital Marketing?
  3. Digital Marketing & The MMO
  4. Digital Marketing Landscape
  5. Digital Marketing Playing Field
  6. Digital Marketing Best Practices
  7. Digital Marketing Framework
  8. Digital Marketing Maturity Model
  9. Action Plan
  10. Analyst Bottom Line
  11. Our Best Practices Report Methodology
  12. About Demand Metric