Social Media Marketing Solution Study

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Our Social Media Marketing Solution Study highlights insights, the landscape, and the vendors associated with the Social Media Marketing space.


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The Social Media environment is vast, complex and constantly changing. Hundreds of vendors and solutions compete for the marketer’s time and attention. It takes dedication, time and effort just to stay current with the changes, let alone evaluate and implement the best products/services for your organization.

The insights and analysis presented in this report are given to provide marketers with a solid understanding of the Social Media platforms, tools and Social Networks that enable Modern Marketing organizations to implement Social Media Marketing and Management as part of their broader Digital Marketing Strategy.

Our look at Social Media Marketing strategies, processes and implementations focuses on four, key platforms: Social Listening, Social Engagement, Social Experience and Social Analytics. Our analysis also includes detailed descriptions of the major Social Networks in play right now.

In brief, Social Media Marketing is doing marketing in a social context. This means using the resources of Social Media and the Internet/Web to offer products/services to prospective buyers, to build brand presence in the market and to use social connections to develop business relationships that enhance commerce.

At Demand Metric we define Social Media Marketing as the strategies, processes, tools and technologies that enable an Enterprise to do business in the marketplace with customers and partners via Social Networks and Channels.

This study covers the following sections:

  • Executive Summary
  • What is Social Media Marketing?
  • Benefits of Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing Deployment Lifecycle
  • Vendor Selection Criteria
  • Social Media Marketing Solutions Landscape
  • Social Media Marketing Maturity Model
  • Action Plan
  • Analyst Bottom Line
  • About the Research Analysts
  • Our Solution Study Methodology
  • About Demand Metric


There are 14 premium tools & templates linked inside of this solution study:

  1. Social Media Maturity Assessment
  2. Digital Marketing Framework
  3. Social Media Strategy Scorecard
  4. Social Media Vendors Matrix
  5. Social Listening System RFP Template
  6. Social Engagement System RFP Template
  7. Social Experience System RFP Template
  8. Social Analytics System RFP Template
  9. Social Listening Vendor Evaluation
  10. Social Engagement Vendor Evaluation
  11. Social Experience Vendor Evaluation
  12. Social Analytics Vendor Evaluation
  13. Social Media Marketing Plan Methodology
  14. Social Media Metrics Dashboard