What Does A Director of Website Development Do?
If your company has a strong presence online, it is important that it have someone who can manage this. That person's title is often the Director of Website Development.
This person is responsible for working with the sales and marketing team to develop and update the company website on a regular basis, as well as to work with stakeholders to determine goals and business requirements that are related to website development.
In today's business environment, every business needs a website and an online presence, so it is important that your company make this a priority.
If your company prefers, it can outsource website development needs. Some smaller companies that don't have room for a full-time IT department often hire contractors or third-party consulting and development services to take care of their web development. Either way, the goal is to make sure that you bring in trained professionals who know how to handle web development in a way that will promote the success of your business and build your online visibility over time. There isn't a single method to success with these goals, but the right director will have plenty of helpful ideas to contribute.
Even if you're a small business and you don't have the resources for employees or outsourcing, you certainly can't do everything yourself. You have so much to focus on as a business owner and it's critical that you give yourself the ability to delegate tasks and positions so that you aren't stretching yourself too thin. Not only that, but there are professionals who are specifically trained in web development. It makes sense to put their skills to use and let them do the work they were trained for. If nothing else, they at least have the time to dedicate solely to web development when you might not.
The question mostly falls upon finding the right director for the job, based on their skills and your company's needs. They should have strong project management capabilities, IT experience and training, team skills and communication skills, innovative ideas and forward-thinking methods, and more. Their goal is to help your company succeed through website development so they should have the necessary tools and skills to get the job done. Keep these things in mind when you are searching for a Director of Website Development.