Important Factors To Consider In A Tradeshow Program ROI Assessment
In order to ensure that your tradeshows are successful, it's important that you accurately assess the ROI of each one. By collecting relevant information after each show, you can ensure that you will make the best decision in regard to future attendance at that particular show. When you are lacking information about previous attendance, you can use the information that is available to determine which of the shows on your radar will be the best investment.
Factors that will help you determine potential ROI for trade shows include the following:
- Net trade show attendance
- Percentage of the attendees that fall within your target audience
- Duration of the trade show
- The number of visitors handled by staff members each hour
- The size of the exhibit space
- The number of staff members in attendance
- The number of leads obtained
- Percentage of leads converted to sales
- The average revenue obtained from the tradeshow
- The total expense associated with the tradeshow
With this information you can calculate the total cost for each qualified lead that's obtained as well as the potential sales revenue from each lead. The ROI for the trade show will give you an idea of how worthwhile your investment will be. It is not recommended to schedule attendance at a trade show where you will not have a positive ROI.
If you have several potential trade shows on your agenda and you need to decide which ones to attend, examining the tradeshow Program ROI can be the best way to do it. You should always choose the trade shows with the highest projected ROI. This information is incredibly useful in determining which shows to return to again in the future. If you're not making a profit off of a trade show, you shouldn't plan to return unless you have reason to believe that one of the important ROI factors will have changed dramatically.
Keep in mind that while most ROI factors are clear cut and easy to calculate, others are more challenging. You may not gain a lot of qualified leads from a show, but you can greatly increase your customer loyalty by conversing with your current customers. Tradeshows where you get to see a lot of existing customers can be a good investment, particularly if you have regulars who look forward to seeing you there each year.