Increase Productivity with a Stakeholder Analysis Matrix
Before you can understand the value of a stakeholder analysis matrix, you should first understand exactly what the tool can do for your company. A stakeholder analysis matrix is used to keep your team informed of any changes in a particular group.
When it comes to new projects, a stakeholder analysis matrix can be incredibly useful. While you can create a matrix completely on your own, you may want to use a template to make the process quicker and easier.
Whether you use a template or decide to make your stakeholder analysis matrix completely from scratch, the first step is to make a list of everyone who has any interest in the project you are considering. These individuals may include everyone from clients to coworkers, and even to investors. Once you have a list of the individuals, the next step is to consider the influence that each person has on the project so that you can see whose interests overlap and how much influence they actually have.
Although you may not find this particular productivity tool to be of great value in every single situation, understanding how it can be beneficial and how to create one quickly can be very beneficial, particularly when there are multiple interests involved. The more individuals who have an interest or influence in a particular project, the harder it can be to keep track of all of the information coming in and going out. If you have never put a stakeholder analysis matrix together on your own before, you may want to seriously consider using a template to help you sort out all of the different individuals and details involved.