Utilizing Technology And Lead Generation Tools
Lead generation is an important part of every marketing strategy. It is important because you will not be able to generate new sales and revenue unless you have new leads for your products.
Lead generation strategies have been used by marketing professionals for ages. The conventional methods include setting up a booth at a trade show, conducting a seminar or a workshop for prospective clients,display advertising, and practical demonstrations at important locations.
While many of these practices are still in use, the advent of internet has changed the way marketing professionals generate leads and follow-up with them. Technology has simplified the process, and you can now contact several clients at the same time. You are not limited by geography or location of your business, and in this regard the world has indeed become smaller.
Here are a number of examples of lead generation:
Email - Direct email marketing is a popular lead generation tool. Companies can purchase software applications that allow them to send emails about their products to several clients at the same time. Businesses can also inform individuals about special offers and sales.
Webinars - Webinars are another popular tool. These are seminars that can be conducted online, and you can address the clients directly and make Power Point presentations online.
Software Apps - Some lead generation agencies have developed software applications that help them identify all the websites related to your product. For example, if your product is a health supplement, the software will list all the health-related websites. They advertise specifically on these sites to generate leads.
Blogging - Blogging is another popular tool. About 57 percent of companies with a blog site have generated at least one major client from it.
Social Networking - You cannot negate the popularity of social media in today's world. Almost 62 percent of businesses in the United States consider social media websites as major lead generation tools. You can promote your product at minimal cost. According to a recent survey, close to 77 percent buyers say that they are more likely to buy from a company whose CEO has a social media account.
eBooks - Many companies also publish eBooks to talk about their products. These books can be accessed from anywhere across the globe, and can be extremely cost effective.