Defining Marketing Assessment Tests

John Follett

Marketing assessment tools enable you to analyze your marketing efforts to determine which marketing strategies are working and which ones are not. Partnership marketing assessment takes this process a step further by showing you which of your partnership marketing efforts are working as well as the ones that aren’t. It also enables you to correct those problems and to develop other beneficial relationships.


Marketing Assessment Tools

What is the Primary Pitfall of Partnership Marketing?

First and foremost, just because you practice reciprocating links between your website and others does not guarantee that you will realize positive results with each one. The unfortunate part is that many online business owners today tend to focus on the quantity of reciprocating links rather than focusing on the quality of the links and the quality of traffic to your website.


How to Avoid the Problem

The most effective method for avoiding the problem of quantity versus quality is to perform a marketing assessment test. You can use this partnership marketing assessment tool to assess the capabilities and processes of each link. The marketing assessment test will uncover what reciprocating links are working and which ones are costing you money that could be better spent elsewhere on other marketing efforts. Anticipating which links have value and which ones do not is difficult enough. However, it becomes a lot easier when you have the right tools installed and use them consistently. This is definitely the case with a marketing assessment test.


Consider the Advantages of Using a Marketing Assessment Test

Certain links provide you with additional traffic that is generated by other non-competitive by other non-competitive partners. Best of all, most reciprocal links don’t have a price tag attached to them. Another advantage is that you are able to exchange customer traffic with other company websites whose products or services complement the ones you are selling. It is possible to increase your internet acquisition channels by between 5% and 10% annually. On a final note, a single reciprocal link could generate 3% to 5% of your annual business income.


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