The Advantages Of Using An Intranet FAQ

John Follett

The Challenge of Being Informative with Your Employees

One of the challenges that small and large businesses face is making information on their company more available to employees. In most cases this can easily be solved by developing a list of frequently asked questions that are easy for visitors to access when using your intranet or computerized network. To identify and develop a list of intranet FAQ, you need a Microsoft Word format or template that will enable you to do this so that you will be able the most frequently asked questions in every department.

1.  Intranet Home Page 1. Intranet Home Page (Photo credit: nengard)


How to Solve the Problem

There are a number of ways to address this. One of the most effective ways is to sit down and discuss the most common employee support questions that each of your area supervisors or department managers typically have to answer. Through the analyzation of these support questions, you will be better equipped to provide answers to each one of those different inquiries and make them available through your intranet. Once the list has been compiled, the next step is to post that list of FAQ answers on one of the more visible intranet pages.


The Benefits of an Intranet FAQ Page

The development of an Intranet FAQ page will provide you and your company with a number of benefits. However, the primary benefit of doing this is that it has a positive impact on cost-savings and helps each department in the company to be more productive. Other benefits of having an FAQ page include:

  • Employees will use the company intranet more often
  • Important information can be positioned at the front of your intranet
  • Support costs are reduced
  • The more common issues can be identified much easier

Another benefit is that you can take the most common 5 or 10 FAQ and place them on your intranet home, landing, or welcome pages so that employees are able to easily navigate to the answers they are looking for. Finally, by not wasting company time to do this, your employees will become more productive overall.


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