Establishing Rules For Your Company Through A Blogging Policy

John Follett

Any company that has a blog affiliated with its website and brand should make sure it has an efficient blogging policy in place to protect it against potential legal problems. While your company can still approve of the blog postings before they are published, having some sort of blogging policy will help reduce the amount of blog entries that do not conform to the company's standards.

These days a company can never be too careful and should protect its reputation by monitoring its blog.

Blogging Policy

With the Blog Policy Template, companies have an easy and organized way to present their blogging policy to their writers. It clearly lays out what most companies would want to include in their blog rules. A company can also edit the document to make it fit specifically with what it wants to stand for. You can also take out anything that you do not feel needs to be included. If you are satisfied with the guidelines as presented in the Blog Policy Template, then all you have to do is fill in your company's information and email or print it out and give it to all of your company's bloggers.

Using the Blog Policy Template is relatively easy. It is a template for Microsoft Word usage and, even if you do not have much experience in working with Microsoft Word templates, you will find that it is extremely easy to use. In order to make sure that your company's blog does not pose a legal risk for you, the person who works with the Blog Policy Template should have a working knowledge of the blogging world and the things that can get a blogger in legal trouble.

As long as the blogging policy is set out in a straight-forward manner and is easy to follow, your company's bloggers will be less likely to post something that can get the company sued. You should have the bloggers sign a copy of the guidelines stating they understand them. At least that way you have something from them saying they agree to abide by your blogging rules.


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