Empowering Risk Mitigation in HR
Installing Solutions to Prepare for Risks Ahead of Time
Aberdeen's research on Workforce Scheduling has shown that Best-in-Class organizations are 68% more likely than Laggards to have a formal process in place to escalate HR issues beyond the supervising managers. Automating this process helps define parameters, facilitate participation and assign resources to track and resolve issues. On May 25, 2011, Orlando, Florida based Empower Software announced the general availability of a new tool in its arsenal of core HR and workforce management solutions. The new solution is a web-based, anonymous feedback tool that allows employees to report issues of unfair treatment, fraud, policy violations, etc. is currently being used by several of its clients. The tool is similar to the freely available web-based feedback mechanism Rypple in that manner. However, its true benefit is in the backend case management and reporting capabilities that enable HR managers and practitioners to analyze these cases, categorize them, and prioritize them based on severity.
Featured Insight of the Day
Figure 1 (above) describes the top strategic actions in HR management that are important to all organizations. It seems as though Best-in-Class companies as well as all others are committed to automating HR processes, empowering employees to be more self-sufficient, and making HR a true strategic partner aligned with business needs.
How Demand Metric Can Help
If you are in the process of automating, empowering or aligning the HR function in your organization, take a look at these templates:
Management and Leadership Audit
Performance Review Appraisal Template
Risk Analysis (Fishbone Diagram) Template
Risk Assessment Report Template
Risk Mitigation Measures Checklist
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