The Case for SaaS BI
Fast, Affordable, Agile
Pervasive business intelligence - BI for the masses - is often discussed, but rarely achieved. Conventional BI approaches have enjoyed limited success, partly due to the high up-front costs and complexity that often comes with those solutions. However, prior Aberdeen Group research shows increasing interest in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business intelligence, with twice as many organizations using this deployment approach as one year ago - 15% in 2009 compared to 7% in 2008. Key findings are that the SaaS deployment approach makes BI available to new user populations, that it fosters a more agile approach to BI, and that it changes the economics of BI deployments.
Featured Insight of the Day
Tight budgets and the burden imposed on IT staff by traditional approaches to BI are often the driving factors for enterprises that adopt on-demand business intelligence. However, the single biggest factor is that conventional BI tools are simply too complex and hard to use for some people within the organization that need access to management data – a clear indication that the relative simplicity of SaaS BI tools presented via a browser is a strong driver of adaptation. See Figure 1 below:
How Demand Metric Can Help
If you are in the process of evaluating BI products & vendors, don't miss the following templates:
Vendor Consolidation Checklist
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