State of Service Management 2011
Achieving Connectivity and Growing Revenue
Having achieved excellence in service management from a customer-facing, operational and financial perspective, Best-in-Class organizations have an eye towards the next step of service-led differentiation. While efficiencies can still be driven - and are being driven - within the organization, growth in service will happen on the revenue side of the equation. For this to occur, Aberdeen's data indicates the ushering in of the era of the fully connected service enterprise; one where service isn't just a stand-alone organizational function, but a value driver that is at the core of the entire organization. And according to 97% of Best-in-Class organizations in this study, it is imperative for the service team to be fully connected with other organizational components to drive future financial performance improvements.
Featured Insight of the Day
As per the instructions of numerous Best-in-Class service leaders, organizations are also looking to shore up service leadership to ultimately lead the quest for revenue opportunities and to connect service across the organization in order to achieve these revenue goals. Revenue growth through service requires the full collaboration of value functions such as sales and marketing, therefore necessitating the existence of service leadership that can not only deliver on service performance expectations but also increase visibility into service and customer information across the organization.
How Demand Metric Can Help
If you are working hard to grow revenue organically through your customers, check out the following templates:
Sales and Marketing Performance Dashboard
Sales and Marketing Alignment Tool
Customer-Centric Strategy Checklist
Customer Satisfaction Form Template
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