How to Write an Effective Press Release

Jesse Hopps

Also referred to as a news release, the press release is simply a written statement made by an organization or company and made available to the media in advance. There is a specific format in which press releases need to be written so that news media and reporters will be sure to have all the information they need to write a story on your product, idea, or company announcement. Some press releases are written well in advance of the actual event, and embargoed until the appropriate date, while others are made available for immediate release. If you write a press release well enough, you are likely to get portions of your announcement reprinted just as you originally stated them.

Benefits of Writing a Press Release

  • Spreading The Word – There’s no bigger let down than planning a party and having only one or two people show up. When a company has a big announcement, it can be an equally big let down when nobody seems to care. Writing a press release ensures that you will be getting the news of your announcement into the hands of people with the power to share your story with the masses.
  • Free Advertising – For any company, it is a constant struggle to make sure that news of new products and services are reaching the audiences most likely to take advantage of them. Press releases attract attention from media that might be desperate for something to write about.
  • Disseminating Accurate Information – Even after conducting in-person interviews with members of your company, there is still a chance that a reporter might alter the name of a product or misquote a company policy when they finally get down to writing the story.


Make sure you practice writing a press release that will keep an editor or reporter interested. Put the most important information at the top, and bullet out facts that are essential to the story. If you don’t already have a great Press Release Template, click the link or visit us @

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