Who to Hire

Jesse Hopps

Earlier today, one of our clients mentioned that she was excited about her recent promotion because it meant that she would be in charge of bringing on new employees within the department. But now that it’s time to start selecting scheduling interviews and she has started to have second thoughts about whether or not she’s ready for the whole interview process. Being responsible for introducing new workers into your company can be stressful, but with these tips, you’ll be able to see through all the smokescreens, and determine who will be a good fit for your team, and your company.

Wondering Who to Hire?

You’ve applied and been awarded jobs before, but have you ever really stopped to think about what goes into the hiring process behind the scenes? Hiring the right employee is one of the most important decisions that an administrator or manager will make in their career. The wrong decision can destroy team productivity and cost the company thousands of dollars in wasted salary & benefits. The right employee can boost your team’s morale, increase productivity, and help you to increase competitiveness and improve the market position of your company.

Benefits of Hiring a New Employee

  • It Requires You To Define The Job – Have you ever showed up for your first day on the job, and found that the manager was having a difficult time clearly describing what it is you were going to be responsible for? This is a common symptom of companies who hire new employees without creating an updated job description. You might know that your team is short handed, but that alone isn’t a reason to hire a new person. Talk with your fellow managers and team member to formulate a job description before you start interviews.
  • Motivation For Your Team – Do your senior employees seem like they’ve run out of steam? Paying the salaries of a team of unmotivated people is expensive, and will probably mean that you’re going to have to start answering some tough questions from your superiors. Bringing on a new person helps to remind them why they like working there in the first place.
  • Increased Productivity – Especially in today’s crowded job market, many people are just thankful that they’ve found a way to provide for their families. New employees are eager to prove that they deserve the job, and you’re likely to see your team’s productivity increase as a result.

Preparing For Interviews

Don’t assume that you’ll know how to spot the right person right away. Prepare questions and get ready for the answers before you start seeing candidates. Here at www.demandmetric.com, we’ve developed a suite that will help you throughout the hiring process. Check out our Staffing & Performance Section or take a quick look at the following templates:


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