Top '10 Commandments' For Content Marketing

Adrian Hargreaves's picture
Adrian Hargreaves
Adrian Hargreaves wrote:

Marketing Magazine features an article from Julia Hutchison, head of content marketing at Group FMG.   Julia’s article focuses initially on a survey by content marketing agency Seven claiming that 80% of senior marketers view owned media as either effective or very effective at delivering return on investment for their brands.  Julia then offers her ‘10 commandments of content marketing’. 

How do these 10 commandments compare with your own choice?

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Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 34 premium tools and templates to create a comprehensive content marketing plan.

3 Responses

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Great list!

Here's a list of 5 content marketing lessons from Jason Miller, Sr. Manager of Content Marketing at LinkedIn. I paraphrased his blog post, but it's worth checking out the entire article as his content marketing tips were inspired by the success of the band Guns & Roses).

1. Differentiate your content from the competition
It starts with listening to your audience, figuring out what their pain points are, and understanding the hot topics around their water coolers. You then build credibility by delivering content that takes on a fresh perspective, solves problems, and both entertains and is a bit edgy.

2. Do something unexpected.
The element of surprise is a terribly underrated technique that can make your content stand out from your competitors, while at the same time exposing it beyond your initial reach and audience.

3. Don’t do it alone.
Outsource writers, ask experts in your industry, and find your stand-out employees to contribute to your content marketing efforts.

4. Visual rocks.
Slicing and dicing your content into visual elements such as infographics, Slideshare presentations, Instagrams, and video gives your audience a different way to consume your messaging.

5. Just a little patience.
Content marketing success doesn’t happen overnight. As a business you need to commit to be consistent with your content. Content is an ongoing medium. It’s an enduring relationship that grows.

Clare Price's picture
Clare Price
Clare Price wrote:

All good points and I'd like to dive a little deeper into content strategy and say that we need to develop a content marketing plan that has the same elements as a good marketing plan -- goal setting, key strategies, activities, KPIs and resources. KPIs and Resources tend to be the most neglected areas. If content marketing is not resourced for the long term it will whither and die. Time, money and talent all need to be considered.  

Jerry Rackley's picture
Jerry Rackley
Jerry Rackley wrote:

This list of content marketing commandments is excellent; I can agree with all of them without reservation.  I would add emphasis to the first commandment:  know your audience.  When commissioned to develop content, the first question any marketer should ask is "who is this for?"  To develop the most impactful content, one has to have a deep understanding of the audience.  The next question to ask is "what do we know about them?"  A great technique for developing this level of understanding is the buyer persona, and of course Demand Metric has a template for that!