Press Releases & News Coverage

February 1st, 2024 - MarketingProfs

State of B2B Pipeline Growth Report [Infographic]

What are B2B marketers' pipeline growth goals for 2024? How are they planning on meeting these goals?

To find out, Pipeline360 and Demand Metric surveyed 400 B2B marketers in North America and the UK.

An infographic (below) covers key findings from the research.

It looks at marketers' goals, what's affecting the pipeline, and how to ensure pipeline growth in 2024.

Read the full article.

January 30th, 2024 - MarTechCube

AI-Enabled Insights Improves Buying Group Reach and Optimizes Media Partner Relationships

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of its “Performance Center,” an AI-driven insights engine to accelerate B2B marketing decision-making and improve performance. Performance Center identifies gaps in buying groups, optimizes media partner relationships, and enables a better understanding of cross-channel marketing results. 

According to a recent 2024 Pipeline360 and Demand Metric study, the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). Meanwhile, Salesforce’s Generative AI Snapshot Series found that marketers estimate generative AI can save them over 5 hours per week to focus on more meaningful work.

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January 15th, 2024 - Diginomica

Demand-as-a-Service - the Holy Grail of branded demand​

Pipeline360 and Demand Metric surveyed B2B companies in the US and Canada in November of last year. They found that 46% of respondents felt the quality of their current leads is low to neutral, and 42% said the quantity of leads is insufficient. At the same time, 80% say new, qualified leads are mission-critical/urgent. 

So, there’s a problem. Companies need more high-quality leads, and they need them now. This is a goal of Pipeline360 and aligns with Integrate’s “precision demand marketing” theme.” It’s a “Demand as a Service (DaaS) offering that combines targeted display and content syndication with a comprehensive marketplace of global publishers.

Uphoff first met Jeremy Bloom, CEO of Integrate, in 2013 when he was working with He sees the marketplace as an interesting model that has run under the radar for Integrate until now.

Read the full article.

January 12th, 2024 - DemandGen Report

Integrate Launches New Media Division, Pipeline360​

As part of the media division’s release, Pipeline360 and Demand Metric conducted “The 2024 State Of B2B Pipeline Growth” survey, which found that:

  • 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet
  • 53% of B2B marketers are unable to meet their pipeline goals; and
  • 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company.

“This gap in marketers’ ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today — budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy,” said Jeremy Bloom, Co-founder and CEO of Integrate, in a statement.

Read the full article.

December 1st, 2023 - Forbes

From Zero To 15.9 Billion Video Views: Lessons From YouTube Sensation 7clouds

Marketing luminary Seth Godin once said that marketing is no longer about the stuff you make; it’s about the stories you tell. And there’s no better way to tell stories than through the magical blend of visuals and sound that is video content.

It’s no secret that video has become a powerful marketing tool. According to a Demand Metric and Vidyard report, 83% of marketers say video is more important than ever, with 87% of businesses using video as a marketing tool and 93% saying that video converts the same as or better than other forms of content.

Read the full article.

November 3rd, 2023 - Yahoo! finance

Bynder CEO Reveals How to Market a Product in Times of Financial Crisis [DesignRush Spotlight]​

57% of B2B marketers said their budgets are the same or lesser than that of 2021. DesignRush interviewed the CEO of Bynder, a digital asset management platform, to delve into ways of navigating financial crisis with digital asset management and risk taking in marketing.

According to Integrate and Demand Metric study, almost 60% of marketers work with budgets that are equal to or smaller than those from two years ago. These tighter budgets emphasize the need to be frugal, but also daring and strategic, in the times of financial downturns and other economic challenges.

Read the full article.

May 9th, 2023 - Business Wire

Tenon's Revolutionary Marketing Solution Built on ServiceNow Attracts $3M in Seed Funding from ServiceNow Ventures and High Alpha

Following the remote work trends that continue to expand, Tenon’s development comes at a time when the stakes for effective marketing project management couldn’t be higher. Despite the need, 3 out of 4 marketers are not happy with the way their team manages work or the tools they use. As a result, 70% of marketers end up working in spreadsheets and manual processes to manage their work. Source: Demand Metric

Tenon was launched in April 2023, out of High Alpha Studio – a pioneer of the venture studio model which revolutionized the way startups are launched and grown. Founded in 2015 by veteran SaaS founders who created the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, their portfolio includes disruptive marketing solutions like Lessonly, Zylo, G2, Terminus, and Octiv.

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September 23, 2021 - Business Wire

State of Virtual Selling Report shows remote sales professionals leveraging custom-recorded video are more productive and engaged with prospects

Vidyard, the leading video platform for businesses, today released its State of Virtual Selling Report, revealing how sales professionals are using video throughout the sales process and its impact on sales team productivity and results.

The study found that more than 70% of sales reps who leverage custom-recorded video in the virtual sales process experience higher prospect engagement and nearly half report less turnaround time to close a deal.

The State of Virtual Selling Report, conducted in June by Demand Metric, is based on a survey of more than 600 sales leaders across a variety of industries and asked them about the pervasiveness, impact and potential of video-powered virtual selling. The report found that over two-thirds of sellers plan to continue working remote or hybrid for the long-haul and video is helping them do their jobs better. More than 70% of respondents noted that custom-recorded video performs better than text-based emails, and has increased response rates.

Read the full article.

September 17, 2021 - MediaPost

Leaders And Laggards: Who's Doing Well With Account-Based Marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) could well be just another buzzword, judging by State of ABM Maturity, a study by MRP and Demand Metric.

Of the B2B companies polled, only 23% say ABM accounts for 25% or more of their marketing-attributed revenue. In contrast, 38% acknowledge that their ABM programs produce negative, uncertain or unmeasured results. And as you might expect, high performers are much more likely than low performers to exhibit maturity in executing ABM.

Who are the high performers? They make up 23% of the survey sample, based on the fact that they report "significant revenue impact from ABM and benchmarks the specific practices that set these leaders apart from their lower performing peers," the company says.

Read the full article.

September 13, 2021 - Business Wire

New Research Reveals Roadmap to Account Based Marketing Success

MRP and Demand Metric primary research report reveals key differentiators between high and low performers and provides a data-driven roadmap to ABM maturity and revenue impact.

MRP Prelytix™, the only enterprise-class predictive ABM platform, today announced key findings from its new primary research study, The State of Account-Based Marketing Maturity.

The in-depth study of more than 1,275 marketers across four continents identifies an elite group of companies (23%) who report significant revenue impact from ABM and benchmarks the specific practices that set these leaders apart from their lower performing peers. The first-ever research goes beyond basic statistics on adoption and usage to provide a clear and nuanced view of current ABM practices, as well as 10 validated steps that marketers can adopt to achieve superior performance status.

Read the full article.

July 26, 2021 - Business Wire

MRP Media Alert: ABM Visionaries to Reveal Marketers’ Winning Strategies for ABM Success

By now, account-based marketing (ABM) is a proven revenue driver for B2B marketers -- but some companies realize more benefits than others. With enterprise ABM investments set to grow in the coming year as the economy rebounds, it’s more crucial than ever to implement the tools and strategies that set the stage for success.

New research by Demand Metric and MRP Prelytix, the only enterprise-class predictive ABM platform, was released in July. Learn how an elite group (25%) of ABM programs produce significant revenue impact, and how their strategies using people, process, and technology are different from low performers (40%), who produce negative to uncertain revenue impact.

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July 1, 2021 - Report Linker

Digital Asset Management Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts

Many enterprises store their digital assets in several different locations and only few store in one system. According to the study of over 3,400 marketers and creators, by Demand Metric in 2020, 61% mentioned cloud storage platforms, 51% a server of their company, 34% Digital Asset Management, 32% local storage, and 21% mentioned a tool with a suite of solutions, including an asset storage component. With the use of Digital Asset Management (DAM), cross team and overall enterprise digital assets can be easily managed and accessed.

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May 29, 2021 - MediaPost

ABM And the Virus -- Enterprise Brands Are In A Radical Shift

Email specialists in big B2B companies better keep their eyes open — they could be called on to ramp up their account-based marketing (ABM) efforts, judging by The State of ABM 2-21, a study that MRP Prelytix conducted in partnership with Demand Metric.

On the positive side (for vendors, anyway) is the fact that 81% plan to increase their ABM investment this year.

Only 1.5% expect a reduction, and the remainder will stay where they are. But 96% also say that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way they market and sell products, with 49% saying it has caused dramatic disruption.

Read the full article.

May 25, 2021 - Yahoo Finance

New Research Provides Insight Into COVID’s Impact on Account Based Marketing

MRP and Demand Metric survey finds 96% of marketing leaders say COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the ways products are marketed and sold.

81% of large enterprises plan to increase ABM investment to meet changes in marketing velocity and marketing mix.

Before the pandemic hit, enterprises had started to embrace account based marketing (ABM) to enable sales and marketing success in a highly dynamic and challenging environment. Today, enterprise marketing leaders are navigating a new and drastically different landscape, tasked with forging new connections as companies and their products evolve on both ends of the sales cycle.

MRP Prelytix™, the only enterprise-class predictive ABM platform, today unveiled the results of a new survey that details the impact of the pandemic on ABM and marketing leaders. The survey finds that ABM investment is increasing as companies respond to significant business challenges brought on by the pandemic, helping marketers rapidly pivot to make new connections between targets, channels and content.

Read the full article.

March 24, 2021 - MarTech

Learn what separates high-performing email marketers from the rest of the pack.

Email marketing remains a crucial channel for many organizations due to its accessibility, ease of use, and effectiveness in reaching target audiences.

Since 2018, Validity and Demand Metric have researched email marketing to examine which tactics marketers are using, how well they are working, and what challenges prevent greater success with email.

Although the use of email continues to evolve, this study’s purpose remains the same: to help companies understand what separates high-performing email marketers from the rest of the pack. This report summarizes the latest survey results and shares insights from more than 450 study participants. 

Read the full article.

February 18, 2021 - Capterra

Top Project Portfolio Management Tools of 2021 At a Glance

Demand Metric placed on our newly released Project Portfolio Management Shortlist Software Report. 

Our new proprietary research report is made up of the top-performing software products based on the software’s popularity among your users, and ratings and reviews. We use exclusive data and trusted reviews from verified software users to build our Shortlists, so buyers can confidently build theirs.

We analyzed all 157 products in our project portfolio management software directory. We eliminated products that didn't meet our requirements for functionality and reviews. We took the highest-rated and most popular products and plotted them below. 

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February 12, 2021 - MediaPost

Into The Inbox: The Placement Tricks Used By The Most Skillful Email Marketers

Want to get your emails into inboxes? Here are some best practices that popped up in Email Marketing 2021 Benchmark report, a study by Validity and Demand Metric.

First, honor opt-out requests by flagging or removing email addresses — 93% of firms with 90% or better inbox placement do this, versus 66% that fall below 90%.

Next, add new email addresses to your list organically through inbound marketing. This is done by 71% of the 90%-plus companies, compared to 56% of those below the 90% threshold.

Here's one thing to avoid — don't buy email addresses to add to your list. Only 18% of the firms with 90% placement do this, while in contrast, 25% of those below 90% do.

Another area where those below 90% are more active is removing bounced email addresses — the split is 67%-54%.

Read the full article.

February 12, 2021 - QSR

Boost Restaurant Revenue with a Smart Content Marketing Strategy

The content should be targeted at your ideal customer. Regardless of the medium, strategy should be methodical and consistent.

According to a report by Demand Metric, content marketing efforts costs are 62 percent lower than traditional marketing, and generate up to three times as many leads.

Restaurants and the wider hospitality industry have been slow to jump on the content marketing bandwagon, but with the advantages they bring restaurateurs can’t afford to be naive any longer. 

Read the full article.

February 11, 2021 - Cision PR Newswire

Top Marketers Say SMS Performs Better Than Any Other Channel, SMS For Promotions or Offers Drive Revenue Growth For Most, New Survey Finds 

Mitto research shows B2C marketers plan to prioritize customer experience through contactless customer engagement and SMS digital communications. Digital communications deliverability is the biggest perceived barrier to implementation.

Mitto, a leading provider of global omnichannel communications solutions, today revealed the results of its State of Customer Engagement in B2C Marketing survey, issued in conjunction with global research firm Demand Metric. Designed to take a pulse check of how B2C enterprise marketers in the U.S. are using and plan to use digital communications in their customer engagement efforts, the results point to nearly all marketers (90%) taking ownership of the customer experience (CX) moving forward. This is coupled with an uptick in digital communications usage to drive customer engagement, which two-thirds expect to deliver CX success.

Read the full article.

February 11, 2021 - MediaPost

Email Hassles: The Main Problems Facing Brands 

Email is a popular medium. But only 8% of marketers say their email effectiveness has greatly improved in the last year, according to Email Marketing 2021 Benchmark report, a study by Validity and Demand Metric. 

Validity and Demand Metric surveyed 450 marketers. 

Here are the issues getting in their way: 

Competition for attention in the inbox — 42% 
Poor email engagement — 35%
Staffing/resource constraints — 33%
Email deliverability — 30%
Lack of data but don’t know how to use it effectively — 25%
Low visibility into email performance — 25% 
Poorly defined metrics — 24%
Lack of tools to optimize or personalize email — 22%
Limitations of email service provider — 16%
Lack of executive buy-in —11% 

Fortunately, most of these have gone down from 2019, except for low visibility into email performance (25%, up from 22%) and poorly defined metrics (24% versus 23%). 

Read the full article.

December 16, 2020 - Yahoo! Finance

B2B Sellers Report 200%+ Increases in Performance as Use of Video in Sales Skyrockets​

Sellers embracing a digital-first and video-first approach to customer engagement see significant gains in 2020; New video-for-sales training tools help every business ramp up their sales teams to embrace video in new ways in 2021

As business-to-business (B2B) sellers adapt to a digital-first reality, many have found new ways to not only maintain their performance but to radically improve their sales effectiveness and efficiency. New data from Vidyard, the video platform for businesses, suggests that in response to the shift to digital selling, the use of video for sales–both live video conferencing and personalized video messaging–has grown exponentially in 2020, and so too has its impact on sales performance.

B2B sellers embracing a digital-first and video-first approach to customer engagement see significant gains in 2020. New video-for-sales training tools from Vidyard help every business ramp up their sales teams to embrace video in new ways in 2021.

Recent research from Demand Metric reveals a 93% year-over-year increase in the number of businesses using video for sales prospecting and customer engagement. Of those using video, 94% report that it performs as well, if not better, than other outreach forms.

Read the full article.

December 14, 2020 - BusinessWire, Bloomberg, Financial Post, etc. 

Business Adoption of 1:1 Video Messaging Grows 471% as Remote Sales and Distributed Work Dominate 2020

Annual State of Video Report also shows the use of video in sales and customer conversations jumped 93%, with ROI steadily improving year over year.

KITCHENER, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--With the forced shift to remote work this year, video content went from a nice-to-have to a need-to-have tool for companies, a new research report shows. The number of respondents investing in asynchronous one-to-one video grew exponentially, from 7% in 2019 to 40% in 2020, representing a 471% increase year over year, according to The State of Video Report - 2020 Edition released today by Vidyard and Demand Metric, now in its seventh year.B2B sellers embracing a digital-first and video-first approach to customer engagement see significant gains in 2020. New video-for-sales training tools from Vidyard help every business ramp up their sales teams to embrace video in new ways in 2021.

“We’ve seen 10 years of digital transformation occur in 10 months. The pandemic may have been a forcing function, but what’s clear is that video in business is here to stay,” says Michael Litt, CEO and co-founder of Vidyard. “Video has become an essential tool for every organization. We’ve seen behavior and cultural attitudes toward remote work and using video change just as quickly.”

Read the full article. (Bloomberg, Financial Post, SalesTechStar, etc.)

October 22, 2020 - KOMarketing

Survey: Digital Marketing, Social Media Remain Top Tactics Among Marketers

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way marketers do business, new research shows that they are falling back on some of their favorite tactics, such as social media marketing, to maintain a certain level of success.

While it’s true that the coronavirus outbreak has changed the way marketers do business, new research shows that they were already using multiple channels for their campaigns.

PFL and Demand Metric recently released the “State of Multichannel Marketing” report, and data showed that 54% of marketers use three or four different marketing channels for their campaigns. About 23% turn to five channels, while 14% use between six and nine different channels.

Read the full article.

September 22, 2020 - KOMarketing

Report: Despite ‘Cloudy’ Outlook, Marketers Remain Dedicated to Content Marketing​.

Not all marketers have a positive outlook on the future of content marketing, but new research shows that more of them are going to be committed to this tactic in the coming years.

The Association of National Advertising and The Content Council recently teamed up to publish the “Growth and Opportunities in Content Marketing” report, and statistics showed that the majority of marketers (40%) have a “cloudy” outlook on content marketing for the next 12 months. This indicates that respondents still recognize room for improvement to make content marketing work effectively.

Content marketing can be challenging without a digital asset management (DAM) strategy in place, and previous research indicates that those who have one are finding more success.

A report titled, “State of Digital Asset Management,” was recently released by Brandfolder and Demand Metric. It revealed that 51% of marketers waste money producing or recreating assets that go unused because people don’t know they exist or can’t find them. That being said, content marketers who have integrated a DAM platform spend 34% less time each week managing their assets.

Overall, marketers who have a DAM platform intact spend 28% less time each week searching for assets for content marketing purposes.

Read the full article.

September 18, 2020 - MediaPost

Multichannel Head Scratcher: Email Is First in Use, Fourth In Effectiveness​​.

Email, while the most widely deployed B2B channel, is not seen as the best — by far, according to The State of Multichannel Marketing, a study recently relapsed by PFL in partnership with Demand Metric. 

Of the companies polled, 54% use three or four channels. Another 23% utilize five channels, and 14% employ six to nine. 

Firms that use four to six channels are drawing the best response rates — 77% say they are good, versus 63% of companies using three or fewer channels. 

Overall, the percentage of firms getting a good response rose from 60% to 65%. 

But those claiming a very good response fell from 6% last year to 5% and those that did poorly from 4% to 5%. Worse, this year, 1% admit their results have been very poor, versus zero last year. 

Read the full article.

September 17, 2020 - KOMarketing

Report: 54% of Marketers Now Use Three or Four Different Channels for Campaigns​.

Marketers continue to use multiple channels to reach out to their target audiences, and new research shows that email, social media marketing, and events are leading the way.

PFL, in conjunction with Demand Metric, recently published the “State of Multichannel Marketing” report, and statistics showed that 54% of marketers use three or four different marketing channels for their campaigns. Twenty-three percent use five channels, while 14% utilize between six and nine different channels.

The most popular channel among marketers is email, with 90% of respondents stating that they utilize it in their strategy. This was followed by social media marketing (84%) and events (71%), such as webinars, tradeshows and virtual events.

Having accurate data (73%), understanding audience needs (70%) and the branding of delivered messages (58%) were all considered critical to the success of multichannel marketing campaigns.

Read the full article.

August 31, 2020 - Business Wire

As Demand for Video Surges in Business, Vidyard Continues Expansion of Mobile Video Tools to Complement Platform, Releases Android Version.

KITCHENER, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Amid a 400 percent increase in the adoption of its products, video creation and hosting platform for business provider Vidyard announced today an expansion to the mobile version of its video collaboration and communications tools.

Responding to an influx of demand by business users across all industries and business sizes, Vidyard, already available via iOS and as a browser extension to Google Chrome, has now made its tools generally available via Android to Android’s 1.6 billion users worldwide, as well as a free extension for Microsoft Edge users. These moves closely follow recent updates to its iOS version.

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July 28, 2020 - Global Banking & Finance Review

Financial organisations will need data leadership to navigate the next year’s uncertainty​.

As the economic travails of the current pandemic continue to impact businesses globally, many marketers at the forefront of revenue generation are pushing harder than ever to convince consumers to part with their cash. If you have noticed your inbox being flooded with messages from businesses you may not have engaged with in months or years, then you’re not alone. It’s a predictable symptom of the uncertainty businesses are now enduring. For financial organisations in particular, where uncertainty is changing their customers’ behaviours in unpredictable ways, increasing communications with customers and prospects digitally is the only channel of contact.

Where many financial companies fall down on this is by failing to ensure that CRM data is accurate, up to date and properly managed. A recent survey from Demand Metric and Validity identified the scale of this problem: one-third of marketers don’t yet have an effective process for managing CRM data. Only when businesses have accurate, clean data in their CRM can they achieve the trusted client relationships, seamless customer experiences and effective marketing campaigns needed to succeed in these harsh economic times.

Read the full article.

July 16, 2020 - MarTech Series

Report: 84% of Marketers State Direct Mail Improves Multichannel Campaign Performance.

Survey of nearly 600 marketers conducted by PFL and Demand Metric unveils key channel insights in multichannel marketing

PFL, the pioneer and leader in Tactile Marketing Automation, today releases its third annual report, “The State of Multichannel Marketing.” The study found multichannel campaigns including direct mail report an ROI 18 percentage points higher than those without direct mail, and 84 percent of respondents indicate direct mail improves multichannel campaign performance.

Read the full article.

July 9, 2020 - Business Wire

Vidyard announces powerful new video collaboration and communication tools and redesigns its enterprise video platform to make video creation and management easy for any business professional.

In today’s modern age of digital-first communication, the use of online video has skyrocketed in business as sellers, marketers, and business leaders look for new ways to deliver their messages to remote audiences. Videos are no longer just a specialized tool for marketing. Now people across the organization are using custom video recordings to engage with prospects and customers, and to clearly communicate with their internal employees.

Read the full article.

July 9, 2020 - MediaPost

Marketers reported better response rates, return on investments and performance when using direct mail in their multichannel campaigns, according to a study released Thursday.

Demand Metric and PFL partnered for the second consecutive year to understand how nearly 600 marketers use multichannel marketing. This is PFL’s third annual report — The State of Multichannel Marketing, which includes direct mail, analyzed responses from nearly 600 marketers.

Some 66% of marketers said the ROI for multichannel campaigns with direct mail drove a good or very good response, versus 48% of those who did not use direct mail in their multichannel campaign. Some 77% said they got a better response with direct mail versus 85% who did not use it.

Read the full article.

July 16, 2020 - MarTech Series

Report: 84% of Marketers State Direct Mail Improves Multichannel Campaign Performance.

Survey of nearly 600 marketers conducted by PFL and Demand Metric unveils key channel insights in multichannel marketing

PFL, the pioneer and leader in Tactile Marketing Automation, today releases its third annual report, “The State of Multichannel Marketing.” The study found multichannel campaigns including direct mail report an ROI 18 percentage points higher than those without direct mail, and 84 percent of respondents indicate direct mail improves multichannel campaign performance.

Read the full article.

July 9, 2020 - Business Wire

Vidyard announces powerful new video collaboration and communication tools and redesigns its enterprise video platform to make video creation and management easy for any business professional.

In today’s modern age of digital-first communication, the use of online video has skyrocketed in business as sellers, marketers, and business leaders look for new ways to deliver their messages to remote audiences. Videos are no longer just a specialized tool for marketing. Now people across the organization are using custom video recordings to engage with prospects and customers, and to clearly communicate with their internal employees.

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July 9, 2020 - MediaPost

Marketers reported better response rates, return on investments and performance when using direct mail in their multichannel campaigns, according to a study released Thursday.

Demand Metric and PFL partnered for the second consecutive year to understand how nearly 600 marketers use multichannel marketing. This is PFL’s third annual report — The State of Multichannel Marketing, which includes direct mail, analyzed responses from nearly 600 marketers.

Some 66% of marketers said the ROI for multichannel campaigns with direct mail drove a good or very good response, versus 48% of those who did not use direct mail in their multichannel campaign. Some 77% said they got a better response with direct mail versus 85% who did not use it.

Read the full article.

June 25, 2020 - Business Wire

Adoption of Video Messaging and Screen Recording in Business Skyrockets by 400% as Remote Work Becomes the New Normal

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses everywhere are adopting new technologies to stay connected with customers, employees, and their own teammates while working remotely. Central to this shift has been the rise in popularity of online video as the next best thing to being there in person. New 2020 data from Vidyard and Demand Metric shows that not only is the use of video conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams skyrocketing, but so too is the use of asynchronous video recordings to connect with customers, share updates, and even replace live meetings with timely, on-demand videos.

Since mid-March, when remote work began for many in North America, Vidyard has added 2.8 million users of its video creation, sharing, and engagement tools. Videos created and shared by Vidyard users have been viewed more than 40 million times during the same three month period. These numbers represent an increase of more than 400% when compared to the same data from the previous 90-day period.

Read the full article.

June 22, 2020 - Media Update

The psychology of consistency and its role in branding

The need for consistency accompanies us throughout our lives and it is critical in helping us to build relationships of trust, says Paula Sartini, founder and CEO at BrandQuantum. Sartini says that this is demonstrated in all facets of life — right down to the brands that we purchase when shopping.

With the fast-paced lives that we lead today, consistency provides a sense of comfort that we strive for. Children seek consistency in their everyday lives, which helps them to know what to expect from their parents at all times and provides them with the security they need to develop into healthy, confident adults.

Read the full article.

May 18, 2020 - Marketing Land

Are you using the optimal mix of marketing channels?

Most marketers rely on more than one channel to achieve the best possible results from their campaigns. However, new research from PFL and Demand Metric reveals that marketers are not consistently using the most effective channels and multichannel strategies.

PFL partnered with Demand Metric to uncover the most effective multichannel marketing strategies and share these insights and benchmarks with you so you can maximize your ROI. Download this benchmark report and learn:

  • The top 3 most effective channels for reaching your target audience.
  • The top 5 multichannel campaign ROI success factors in 2019.
  • The top 4 channels and cadences for influencing the C-Suite.

Read the full article.

May 8, 2020 - Entrepreneur

How to Build an Online Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs.

Online communities are the way of the future: They bring people of all ages, backgrounds and hometowns together over a common industry, skill set or interest. I’ve personally been stunned by the impact of an online community from my own experience. My online Facebook community, Ecommerce Elites Mastermind, has over 85,000 members who unite on a daily basis to discuss ecommerce tips and strategies. 

The impacts are significant. I created my Facebook group to build a virtual community and offer tips, but there are also sales advantages: The University of Michigan found that customers spend 19 percent more after joining a company’s online community. Thanks to this, and the massive potential for consistent engagement, 74 percent of large companies have created online communities, according to research from Demand Metric. For me, however, it’s about amplifying impact. I believe that anyone who has something to say can create an online community of like-minded entrepreneurs and unite them over a common cause. Here’s how to do so, based on my own experience of what works.

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April 15, 2020 - MarketingProfs

What Makes a Best-in-Class Email Marketer? These Six Things.

What does good look like when you are an email marketer, and how do you go from good to great if you feel like your marketing program has plateaued?

Recently, we at Validity partnered with Demand Metric to survey email marketers to see what high-performing email marketing programs are doing differently that sets them apart. We compiled the results in our latest State of Email Marketing report.

We found the following six areas of notable differences between best-in-class marketers and others.

1. High-performing marketers have goals and objectives that align with company initiatives Too many email marketers that report below-average performance have no objective, or simply the wrong objectives—i.e., those that aren't aligned with the company's goals.

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March 10, 2020 - TheMediaOnline

The psychology of consistency and its role in branding

While consistency is a critical trait to establishing relationships of trust, companies, and particularly larger organisations that have several employees engaging customers at any given time, can experience several challenges in delivering consistent experiences at every customer touchpoint. However, in today’s competitive business landscape, companies can increase revenues by up to 23% by always presenting a brand consistently, this is according to a 2016 study conducted by Demand Metric Research Corporation.

By delivering inconsistent experiences in customer engagements, companies are eroding the trust that customers so desperately seek in order to establish a relationship and continue to use the services of the organisation. Think of a brand as a team of Russian synchronised swimmers, if one of the swimmers is out of sync with the rest, the audience will notice immediately, however, none of the swimmers will be aware. In terms of brand delivery, while each employee may think they are delivering a consistent brand experience, only the customer will truly know the difference when engaging with various employees.

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February 26, 2020 - MarTechAdvisor

What is Tactile Marketing Automation? Definition, Best Practices, Real-World Examples

Audiences are bombarded with some 10,000 advertising messages per day -- a number that comes as no surprise to anyone facing an overflowing email inbox or a social media feed stuffed with sponsored content. In this world of digital overload, receiving a physical object in the mail captures attention due to its novelty alone.

Additionally, objects that can be touched and held trigger emotional processing and leave a much deeper footprint in the brain than digital messages viewed on a screen, research from Millward Brown found. A physical item is more likely to be remembered and create a positive brand experience.

It’s unsurprising, then, that 52 percent of marketers report a moderate to major improvement in campaign performance when their channel mix includes high-impact direct mail, according to research from PFL and Demand Metric. But rousing audiences from their Avoid-Ignore-Delete routines requires more than generic postcard blasts. 

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January 23, 2020 - MarTechAdvisor

What it Takes to Be a World-Class Email Marketer

Email marketing continues to become more complex as marketers must adjust to evolving customer preferences, new-era tactics and campaign objectives. With all of these changes, how can marketers ensure they stay ahead of the game?

A recent State of Email Marketing report released by Return Path from Validity and Demand Metric surveyed teams across a variety of industries to determine what factors make for high-performing email marketing programs. Based on the report’s findings, here are a few ways today’s marketers are driving world-class results for their campaigns and how you can emulate these methods for success.

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December 23, 2019 - MediaPost

Black Friday Followup: Subverticals Did Well

Retailers saw a 58.2% increase in their average daily users during Black Friday weekend. But not all retailers did equally as well, according to a report from Dynamic Yield. 

The Consumer Electronics sector pulled 159.1% higher traffic than usual, with Drug Stores and Pharmacies generating 133.4% more. Home & Furniture enjoyed a 107.9% increase, according to Demand Metric. Other sub-verticals did well also, including Apparel & Accessories (55.2%), Luxury & Jewelry (86.6%), Athletics & Outdoors (78.7%), Beauty and Personal Care (63.3%) and Apparel & Accessories (55.2%).

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December 2019 - Demand Metric Research

The Current State of Email Marketing

Email remains one of the most used and effective marketing channels. When done properly, email has the potential to leverage sales, generate new customers and boost retention.

Recent research by Demand Metric and Return Path examine the current state of email marketing today, including brands’ top objectives, challenges and successes. Some of the key findings from this years’ (2019) report include: The top email marketing objectives are communicating with customers (74 percent), building brand awareness (64 percent), and communicating with prospects (63 percent).

December 10, 2019 - MediaPost

End-Of-Year Checkup: No Big Growth In Email Effectiveness

Email marketers operated on an even keel in 2019. But they didn’t do much better, judging by The State of Email Marketing 2019, a study by Demand Metric in partnership with Validity. 

Overall, 28% saw an increase in email effectiveness, but that’s down from 36% in 2018. Another 43% say they are holding steady, up from 37% last year. However, these findings do not apply equally to all companies. For instances, firms doing the best with email have more objectives for its use, the study notes. And B2B companies tend to see “the lowest percentage of their bulk email sends opened,” the study notes. 

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November 27, 2019 - MartechAdvisor

3 Reasons Why More of Your Brand’s Marketing Dollars Should Go Towards Video

First things first: in order to understand why you should be allocating more marketing spend on video, it’s important to understand shifts in the industry and what other brands are doing to stay competitive and keep up with the changing tides.

IAB’s 2019 Video Ad Spend Report revealed that on average, brands are expected to increase spend by over 25% to $18 million per advertiser on digital video in 2019, while 78% of direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands that have marketing budgets larger than $1 million plan to increase their ad spend on digital video this year. And the idea is shared amongst the majority of decision-makers: Demand Metric’s “The State of Video Marketing 2018” report found that 83% of marketers believe that video is becoming more important.

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November 13, 2019 - MartechAdvisor

What Content Marketing Tactics to Use in 2020

Whatever service you offer or products you sell, effective content marketing will result in more leads and sales for your business.

For instance, Demand Metric revealed that content marketing provides 3 times more leads than traditional marketing and at a 62% lower cost. Furthermore, DemandGen Report revealed that 75% of B2B buyers use the content as a research medium before making a purchase decision. Content marketing will continue to bring leads and customers for businesses in 2020. The question is: will your business be ready to make use of those advantages?

You can implement these 6 tactics today with the confidence that they'll bring great results in 2020. This way, you can acquire your audience’s trust and move them along your sales funnel.  

Having said this, some content marketing tactics that worked just a few years ago might be ineffective in 2020.

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November 4, 2019 - Yahoo! Finance

Demandbase launches ABM Stack Evaluator to help marketers match the right ABM technologies to their ABM strategy

Demandbase, the leader in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), today announced the results from a new report titled State of the ABM Tech Stack, which found that despite strong adoption and widespread awareness of ABM, most marketers believe that their ABM tech stacks are "immature." Additionally, those companies rating themselves as immature adopters are also the companies that are struggling to find ABM technology to support their needs.

The report findings, conducted in collaboration with research firm Demand Metric, shows that an ABM tech stack configuration can generate significant lift or drag for ABM programs, as companies that self identify as having an immature tech stack were almost four times more likely to indicate that their current technology doesn't support their ABM needs.

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October 29, 2019 - MarketingProfs

The Email Tactics Used by Senders With High Open Rates

Email senders with higher-than-average open rates are especially likely to rely on delivery optimization, A/B-testing, and reactivation campaigns, according to recent research from Validity and Demand Metric. The report was based on data from a survey conducted between June 27 and July 19, 2019, among 293 email marketers.

Most respondents (57%) report that their bulk email campaigns have an average open rate of 15% or lower, with the largest share (27%) reporting an average open rate of between 11% and 15%.

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October 4, 2019 - MarTechSeries

Validity and Demand Metric Report Proves Email Optimization Key for Revenue Growth

Indeed, more than half of the 600 marketers surveyed recently by PFL and Demand Metric include direct mail in their multichannel campaigns, and 80% of them report that direct mail improves multichannel performance. But success isn’t merely a matter of sending mass postcard mailings; the degree of integration with other channels is a crucial factor.

When direct mail is tightly integrated into the channel mix and campaign technology, response rates are 41% higher than mailings sent without the benefit of integration — and ROI jumps 62.7%, the survey found. Overall, more than 8 in 10 marketers in the survey reported good or very good ROI from direct mail that’s highly integrated into multi-channel campaigns.

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October 4, 2019 - ChiefMarketer

Direct Mail Improves Multi-Channel Mix: Report

Direct mail ROI goes up by nearly 63 percent when the tactic is used as part of an integrated marketing campaign, according to new research.

Response rates are 41 percent higher in integrated campaigns, compared to mailings not integrated with other channels, according to new research from PFL and Demand Metric. Still, only a small percentage of the 600 respondents—16 percent—reported that they have completely integrated direct mail into their campaigns and implemented solutions to track mail’s influence on overall results.

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September 26, 2019 - eContentMag

Validity and Demand Metric Report Proves Email Optimization Key for Revenue Growth

For the second year in a row, Validity, the most trusted name in data quality, has partnered with Demand Metric, a global marketing research and advisory firm, to publish The 2019 State of Email Marketing report. 

For the second year in a row, 80% of study participants report email marketing effectiveness is holding steady or increasing. While less marketers reported a “slight increase” in email effectiveness this year (36% versus 28% last year), more are now reporting that their email effectiveness is holding steady (43% versus 37% in 2018). To continue improving email effectiveness, marketers have shown a sharp increase in the use of outsourced resources this year. 

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September 26, 2019 - MarTechAdvisor

The 2019 State of Email Marketing Report Reveals, Email Effectiveness Correlates to Revenue Growth

Validity and Demand Metric Report also finds second year in a row, email marketing effectiveness is holding steady or increasing as reported by 80% of study participants.

The report reveals several ways email marketers are the most effective, including Email marketers with the right objectives are seeing better email effectiveness:  A much higher percentage of organizations that report increasing email effectiveness cite having all the email objectives listed in the study, such as capturing data, brand awareness, communicating with customers, communicating with prospects, and revenue growth. When generating revenue is one of the objectives for email marketing, the average open rates are better. However, average open rates are the worst when the objective is only communicating with prospects. 

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September 24, 2019 - GlobalNewsWire

80% of marketers report email marketing effectiveness is holding steady or increasing, according to 2019 State of Email Marketing Report

For the second year in a row, Validity, the most trusted name in data quality, has partnered with Demand Metric, a global marketing research and advisory firm, to publish The 2019 State of Email Marketing report. Based on research conducted among B2C, B2B, and nonprofit marketing organizations, this year’s results show that email continues to be the most effective and widely used marketing channel available today. The report uncovers which email tactics are being used and their performance, as well as the challenges email marketers are facing to improve email effectiveness. 

“It’s no surprise that email continues to be a key indicator for high performance across marketing teams,” Demand Metric co-founder and researcher John Follett said of the findings. “Marketers who tie email objectives to revenue and actively work to understand subscriber preferences will see above average results and the highest level of effectiveness from email.” 

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September 10, 2019 - Media Post

B2B Channel Wrestling: Which Is First, Email Or Direct Mail?

Forrester had put out a report titled “Direct Mail Captures the Attention Of Buyers Overwhelmed by Digital Tactics.” And Demand Metric and PFL seemed to concur in a report called Multichannel Marketing: Maximizing Program Engagement and ROI. Not that all the statistics back up the ascendancy of the old paper analog channel.   

Take the stats from Demand Metric and PFL. They show that email is the most popular B2B medium, utilized by 91% of the companies surveyed. Social media is used by 81%, and events by 73%. Direct mail, pursued by 55%, is fifth — still not bad. But it follows display advertising/remarketing, listed by 60%. Direct mail does better when it comes to effectiveness. Events are the most useful B2B channel, cited by 83%. But 78% say that integrated branded, personalized direct mail is productive.

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September 10, 2019 - Yahoo! Finance

8 in 10 marketers report good or very good ROI with integrated, personalized direct mail, but only slightly more than half are using physical mail regularly.

The study, conducted by PFL and Demand Metric, found that adding direct mail to multichannel campaigns is a catalyst for better response rates and higher ROI, yet not all marketers are using direct mail as a primary channel. The study, available for download here, indicates there is a significant opportunity to leverage the power of physical mail to reach the right audiences with personalized, on-brand messages that resonate and drive ROI across channels.

With direct mail proving to be one of a marketer's most strategic channels, the survey explored the role of direct mail in today's multichannel campaigns and the ROI it drives, as well as best practices on how and when to include direct mail in multichannel campaigns. 

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September 9, 2019 - PR Newswire

New PFL Survey Finds Direct Mail Boosts Multichannel Campaign Success - But Not All Marketers Are Taking Advantage

PFL, a leading martech company that is pioneering the 'tactile marketing automation' category, today released its 2019 Multichannel Marketing Research Report: Direct Mail in the Digital Age. The study, conducted by PFL and Demand Metric, found that adding direct mail to multichannel campaigns is a catalyst for better response rates and higher ROI, yet not all marketers are using direct mail as a primary channel.

The study, available for download here, indicates there is a significant opportunity to leverage the power of physical mail to reach the right audiences with personalized, on-brand messages that resonate and drive ROI across channels.

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August 2, 2019 - SmallBizGenius

50+ Eye-Opening Branding Statistics

1. 82% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after reading customized content.
(Demand Metric)

Creating meaningful content and publishing it on a regular basis is an excellent way to improve brand visibility and convey your company values to existing and potential consumers alike. A vast majority of people are left with positive emotions after reading content published by the brands they follow.

17. Consistently presented brands are 3.5 times more likely to enjoy excellent brand visibility than those with an inconsistent brand presentation.
(Demand Metric)

Brand consistency statistics published by Demand Metric suggest uniformly presented brands are 3.5 times more visible to customers. If people are aware of your product and know what your brand stands for, they are more likely to purchase items you produced. As simple as that.

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August 2, 2019 - ChiefMarketer


Less than 30 percent of marketers really understand the ROI of their marketing funnel and which tactics are really moving the needle, according to a new report.

Email marketing saw the most consistent use throughout the funnel, used by 66 percent of respondents at the top of the funnel, 64 percent in the middle and 46 percent at the bottom, according to the study, conducted in June and July 2019 by GetResponse and DemandMetric.

Other tactics that showed high usage throughout the entire buying cycle included owned media (64 percent top, 43 percent middle and 28 percent bottom); event marketing (61 percent top, 34 percent middle and 30 percent bottom); social media (56 percent top, 33 percent middle and 19 percent bottom); and content marketing (53 percent top, 39 percent middle and 20 percent bottom).

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August 2, 2019 - BizReport

Study IDs pain points in sales funnel

"Marketers have long known that the middle section of the funnel presents the most challenges. What they didn't always know was how to reduce that friction and convert more leads. The GetResponse/Demand Metric study proves the power of automation in digital marketing and its ability to drive at least a 3X improvement in the murky middle of the funnel," said John Follett, co-founder, Demand Metric.

Researchers with GetResponse and Demand Metric collaborated on the 2019 Funnel Friction Benchmark Study, analyzing nearly 300 survey respondents to come to their conclusions. According to the report less than one-third (30%) of marketers have a good understanding of their marketing funnel ROI and fewer than 20% have automated at least part of their marketing funnel, despite evidence that automating marketing tactics boosts funnel performance nearly 2x higher than non-automated funnels.

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August 1, 2019 - eContentMag

Study Reveals Biggest Pain Points in the Marketing Funnel

GetResponse, the global innovator in digital and email marketing, in partnership with global research firm Demand Metric, announced the results of the “2019 Funnel Friction Benchmark Study.” The study, conducted from June–July 2019, analyzes the current state of the marketing funnel. The survey results reveal how much friction is in today’s marketing funnel, where it most commonly appears, and the degree to which marketing automation reduces or eliminates this friction.

Below are key findings from the study:

  • Fewer than 30 percent of marketers have a precise understanding of the ROI on their marketing funnel.
  • The top of the marketing funnel was rated as the best performing and the middle section was found to be the least performing.
  • When marketing tactics are automated, performance almost doubles with the biggest performance gains coming in the middle of the funnel. However, less than 20 percent of marketers reported full automation for any part of their marketing funnel.
  • Integrating marketing tactics within the funnel has a powerful impact on campaign performance. The top and middle sections of the funnel saw a 3X improvement and the bottom of the funnel saw a 2X improvement.
  • With the exception of two channels, email and referral marketing, the use of marketing tactics decreases as the customer moves from the top to the bottom of the funnel. Email marketing saw the most consistent and heaviest use throughout the funnel followed by referral marketing, which includes customer testimonials and case studies, peer review sites and word-of-mouth.

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August 1, 2019 - MediaPost

Stuck In The Funnel: Email Works Best Only In the Middle

Email is the most widely used channel at all stages of the sales funnel. But it is rated highly only in the middle section, the worst performing part overall, according to "Eliminating Friction In The Funnel," a study by Demand Metric commissioned by Get Response.

Of the marketers polled, 69% say email is effective in the middle of the funnel. In this, email is tied with referrals.And 63% say email is effective at the top and 56% at the bottom.

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August 1, 2019 - B2BNewsNetwork

Demand Metric and GetResponse data says automating mid-funnel tactics boosts marketing results by 3X

Mid-funnel performance can triple as marketing tactics are automated, despite the fact less than 20 percent of marketers are using technology to do so, according to research from Demand Metric and GetResponse on Wednesday.

The two firms held a live webinar to discus the results of the research, dubbed the 2019 Funnel Friction Benchmark Study, which was based on a survey of 284 marketers. While some B2B experts have suggested it has become obsolete, the funnel refers to the way firms use marketing tactics to educate a wide audience about products and services in the “awareness” phase,, which then becomes narrower as buyers enter into the “consideration” and “purchase” phases.

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July 31, 2019 - BusinessWire

GetResponse and Demand Metric Study Reveals Biggest Pain Points in the Marketing Funnel

GetResponse, the global innovator in digital and email marketing, in partnership with global research firm Demand Metric, today announced the results of the “2019 Funnel Friction Benchmark Study.” The study, conducted from June – July 2019, analyzes the current state of the marketing funnel. The survey results reveal how much friction is in today’s marketing funnel, where it most commonly appears, and the degree to which marketing automation reduces or eliminates this friction.

The study is based on an analysis of 284 survey respondents, the majority of whom are professional marketers at B2B and B2C companies and agencies. The survey identified and measured the marketing tactics that are most and least effective for moving prospects through the funnel. These tactics include content marketing, email marketing, events, paid, earned and owned media, search, social media, and video marketing.

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July 31, 2019 - Yahoo! Finance

Funnel Friction Benchmark Study Identifies Which Marketing Channels and Tactics Are Most Effective at Each Stage in the Marketing and Sales Cycle

“Marketers have long known that the middle section of the funnel presents the most challenges. What they didn’t always know was how to reduce that friction and convert more leads. The GetResponse/Demand Metric study proves the power of automation in digital marketing and its ability to drive at least a 3X improvement in the murky middle of the funnel,” said John Follett, co-founder, Demand Metric.

“Today’s marketers are smart, digitally savvy and have an unlimited number of ideas and tools to execute campaigns. Yet they often struggle with moving opportunities through the funnel. By taking a closer look at the issues causing the most friction in the funnel, and enabling marketers to significantly reduce them, companies can realize stronger ROI and customer retention,” said Courtenay Worcester, director of marketing, GetResponse.

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July 8, 2019 - adotas

New Research Shows Marketers Who Focus on Subscriber Engagement Get More Email Delivered to the Inbox

In partnership with global research firm Demand Metric, leading email solutions provider Return Path today released a new research report, The State of Email Engagement. Following on the results of last year’s The State of Email Marketing report, this new research sought to understand the impact of subscriber engagement on email deliverability, as well as the tactics marketers are employing to improve engagement.

Email remains the go-to marketing channel for many organizations and a key contributor to marketing effectiveness. In fact, survey respondents who reported their organization are experiencing revenue growth were more likely to identify email as one of the most important or the most important marketing channel (68 percent), compared to organizations whose revenue is flat or declining (58 percent). 

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June 18, 2019 - SearchEngineJournal

How to Manage & Maximize Visual Content Creation on a Large Scale

Demand Metric’s 2018 Benchmark Study on Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey reveals that 48% of marketers view staffing restraints as their biggest barrier to content marketing.

Some of the solutions to address this pain point include:

  • Hiring freelancers to act as an extension of your in-house team and brand.
  • Think of a rubber band: a talent network expands your resources as much – or as little – as you need it to.

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June 8, 2019 - SmartSellingTools

Three Proven Ways to Increase The Value Of Your Sales Content

If you’re a reader of Smart Selling Tools, chances are you understand the inherent value in equipping sellers with the materials they need to engage buyers. But what is that value, exactly? We at Seismic recently partnered with research firm Demand Metric to find out.

After surveying more than 300 marketing and sales leaders across North America, the answer was staggering: more than half of respondents estimated a revenue increase of 20 percent or more if the needed sales content was always available to their sellers at the right time and at each stage of the sales cycle.

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June 7, 2019 - CEOWorld

Why CEOs Should Pay More Attention To Brand Design

A strong and consistent brand can do wonders for your business. Research by Lucidpress and Demand Metric found that brand consistency leads to an average revenue increase of about 23%. Despite that return on investment, less than 10% of organizations believe they have consistent branding.

Inconsistent design confuses consumers and dilutes your core identity. A clear and consistent brand strategy, meanwhile, helps your company’s voice cut through the clutter to stand out from the competition.

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June 5, 2019 - MarketingCharts

4 Points About Lead Generation Landing Pages

In some cases, what marketers use for their lead generation the most differs from what they feel has the strongest conversion rates. An example of this is with their use of video. The results of this SmartBrief survey indicate that more than one-quarter (27.6%) of respondents named video as the content type that generated the strongest conversion rate. However, more respondents used white papers (20.3%) the most than singled out video (16.6%) as their top landing page content type.

Video has been hailed as effective for conversions: half of the video marketers surveyed by Demand Metric said that video converts better than other forms of content, with landing pages being one of channels where a majority of these marketers use video.

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June 3, 2019 - TheFutureOfThings

How to Get Personalization Right for Your Ecommerce Store

Quizzes or forms that allow shoppers to provide their personal information for a loyalty incentive are fairly easy to create and can give you some extremely valuable data and insights on consumer behavior.

Experts claim that this approach is more effective at grabbing your customer’s attention and creating more memorable experiences. Demand Metric’s Content & Buyer’s Journey Benchmark Report also found that you can double your content’s conversion rates by going interactive.

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May 28, 2019 - GrowthHackers

Brand Consistency for Online Retail: How to Boost Sales, Revenue, and Profit

When Lucidpress and Demand Metric surveyed over 200 organizations, they found that less than 10% felt their companies were failing to present a consistent brand narrative while nearly 90% felt doing so was important to the success of their businesses.

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May 28, 2019 - CBTnews

How To Measure the Return On Investment For Automotive Events

Automotive digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every dealership has its own success formula without a single definition equation that measures success. According to a recent Demand Metric study, nearly twenty percent of event marketers do not have a clear understanding of how to properly measure or track their event ROI.

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May 9, 2019 - MathsGee

Become A Video Marketing Expert

B2B marketers cite a lack of budget and a lack of in-house resources as the top two challenges associated with creating video, according to a Demand Metric study. These very common issues inevitably beg the question: “Should we try making videos ourselves or should we enlist the help of a video production company?”

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May 8, 2019 - KOmarketing

Report: List Segmentation and Leveraging Data Sources is Helping Email Marketers Exceed Expectations

Demand Metric in partnership with ReturnPath recently published “The State of Email Engagement” report, and discovered that the majority of email marketers who practice list segmentation (46 percent) say that it is a “good” driver of deliverability. Most of the marketers who are increasing their effectiveness (55 percent) also say that leveraging available data sources to better understand their subscribers is helping them improve.

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May 8, 2019 - MarTechSeries

TechBytes with Scott Ziegler, SVP of Product Management, Return Path

How does your latest report with Demand Metric help marketers to understand subscriber engagement strategies?

Because this report is based on the experiences of real life marketers, its findings can help marketers determine which engagement tactics are most effective—and therefore, where they can get the most impact from their limited time and resources. For example, list segmentation is a major driver of deliverability. Almost 80 percent of study participants report that they are doing some degree of list segmentation. Less than half of those who don’t practice list segmentation report good or very good deliverability, compared with two-thirds of those who segment their email lists.

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May 7, 2019 - TechTarget

Salesforce announces Pardot Business Units, coming this summer

The use of email marketing has made a comeback after a dip due to social media.

However, amid social media privacy concerns from both users and businesses, email has made its resurgence, causing automated email marketing to become increasingly important to competitive campaign launches. Data & Marketing Association and Demand Metric found that email has a median ROI of 122%.

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May 7, 2019 - TechRound

How To Create A Successful Blog For a Start-Up

In many ways, a blog also makes a business, or a company, appear more human, affording people the opportunity to learn more about them through written custom content, rather than the odd advertisement here and there.

According to research conducted by Demand Metric, 20% of internet users spent their time on content. In fact, 68% of people are said to spend time reading about companies and brands which they find interesting, 57% read content marketing titles monthly and 80% are said to prefer learning about a company through the custom content which they create.

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April 29, 2019 - SmallBizDaily

How to Retain Your Best Employees and Other Things Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Incorporating AI into your email marketing can help you drive higher conversion rates and sales, although it’s worth mentioning that email marketing in the U.S. already has a high ROI median at 122%—that’s four times higher than social media, direct mail, and paid search, according to the Direct Marketing Association and Demand Metric.

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April 25, 2019 - ControlPlay

The Benefits of Brand Consistency in the Hospitality Industry

An eye-opening survey was conducted by Lucidpress and Demand Metric of over 200 organizations regarding brand consistency.

Surprisingly, 95% of these organizations have branding guidelines, but only ¼ of them have formal policies that are consistently enforced. And over 60% of these organizations say that materials are always, often, or sometimes created that don’t conform to their guidelines.

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April 15, 2019 - Inc

5 Types of Content Your Audiences Will Love

Interactive content boasts a 70-percent conversion rate, according to Demand Metric. That's because interactive infographics, landing pages, widgets, and more specialize in personalizing the content to the viewer.

Consider, for instance, the huge popularity of Buzzfeed's quizzes. They're successful because they tell users something about themselves. Whether your interactive infographic is helping people choose which of your products is best for them or teaching them something useful, like what type of loan they might qualify for, interactive content has the potential to offer enormous value.

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April 15, 2019 - BizReport

Reports: Content disconnect for B2B

Meanwhile, new data out from Demandbase, in collaboration with Salesforce Pardot and Demand Metric, indicates AI may be a solution for B2B brands.

Their new poll indicates that most B2B brands are upping their investment into artificial intelligence; about 85% believe AI will lead to substantial revenue growth by 2021. The problem? Fewer than 20% of B2B brands are currently using AI to improve their digital experience.

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April 6, 2019 - ChiefMarketer

AI Could Drive Double Digit Marketing Growth

Less than one in five B2B companies are using artificial intelligence today, but the majority of those already on the AI train are forecasting a double-digit lift in the next two years.

Optimism is high for AI among sales and marketing teams. Eighty-five percent of participants in a new survey Demandbase, Salesforce Pardot and Demand Metric said they were currently planning, evaluating, implementing or using AI.

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April 5, 2019 - SalesTechStar

85% Of Marketers Using Artificial Intelligence Believe It Will Drive Double-Digit Revenue Growth Within Two Years

Demandbase Research with Salesforce Pardot Shows High Expectations for AI but Low Usage Among Marketers

Demandbase, the leader in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), revealed the results of their Artificial Intelligence (AI) survey, issued in conjunction with Salesforce Pardot and global research firm, Demand Metric. 

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April 4, 2019 - DemandGenReport

New Research: Only 18% Of Marketers Currently Using AI Solutions

AI adoption is on the rise as more use cases in the B2B marketplace highlight the benefits of AI in various aspects of go-to-market strategies.

According to new research from Demandbase, Salesforce Pardot and Demand Metric, less than one-fifth (18%) of marketers are leveraging AI solutions, while 66% are planning to use, evaluating or currently implementing AI solutions.

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April 4, 2019 - ProlificLondon

Marketers believe AI can deliver double-digit revenue growth

Using artificial intelligence solutions can lead to double-digit revenue growth within two years according to 85 per cent of marketers already using the technology.

That’s according to account-based marketing firm Demandbase, which carried out an AI survey, issued in conjunction with Salesforce Pardot and global research firm, Demand Metric.

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April 4, 2019 - MartechSeries

85% of Marketers Using Artificial Intelligence Believe It Will Drive Double-Digit Revenue Growth Within Two Years

Demandbase, the leader in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), today revealed the results of their Artificial Intelligence (AI) survey, issued in conjunction with Salesforce Pardot and global research firm, Demand Metric.

The findings point to strong interest and high expectations in AI from B2B marketing and sales professionals; 84 percent of study participants are currently planning, evaluating, implementing or using AI, and 84 percent also expect to see value from their implementations in a year or less.

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April 3, 2019 - Demandbase

5 Key Findings On The State of Artificial Intelligence In B2B Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a big buzzword in B2B marketing for several years now, but how are marketers really using AI? And does the hype match up to reality?

To answer these questions and get a better sense of marketers’ understanding, usage, impact and optimism surrounding AI, we teamed up with Demand Metric and Salesforce Pardot to conduct a survey of over 100 B2B marketing and sales people. Below, we’ve highlighted five of our key findings.

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April 3, 2019 - diginomica

Survey says that marketers are excited about the potential of AI – but where does it have impact?

The State of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Marketing is a new study from Demand Metric, Demandbase and Salesforce Pardot that examines what marketers are thinking about the potential for AI in their work.

The short answer according to this study? Marketers see AI transforming marketing as we know it.

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April 3, 2019 - NetImperative

Most marketers using AI believe it will drive ‘double digit growth’ in 2 years

Account-Based Marketing firm Demandbase has revealed the results of their Artificial Intelligence (AI) survey, issued in conjunction with Salesforce Pardot and global research firm, Demand Metric.

The findings point to strong interest and high expectations in AI from B2B marketing and sales professionals; 84 percent of study participants are currently planning, evaluating, implementing or using AI, and 84 percent also expect to see value from their implementations in a year or less.

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March 12, 2019 - Medium

Accountants, Are You Making These Blogging Mistakes?

Somewhere you’ve heard that blogging is the thing. You’ve heard that keeping a blog for your accounting firm is non-negotiable. You’ve even read the crazy statistics — like this one by DemandMetric: On average, companies with blogs produce 67% more leads per month than those without, or this one by HubSpot: Marketers who prioritise blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI — and decided that this is an opportunity you daren’t miss.

Blogging doesn’t come naturally to most people (why did nobody tell me this before?!). You need to invest time and effort to improve your blogging skills, and you need to learn what works and what doesn’t.

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March 11, 2019 - AeroLeads

8 Best Online Lead Generation Techniques To Boost Sales

Are you having nightmares like other marketers? No leads = No customer = No sale = No revenue = Business flop.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 91% of b2b organizations use content marketing and 86% b2c respondents. Also, DemandMetric concluded that content marketing is more effective in generating leads 3 times better than traditional marketing.

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March 5, 2019 - TheDrum

An open letter to marketers on consumer respect

The more you encourage your partners to be transparent with how they use and manage data, the more confident you’ll be in their data quality and accuracy. A survey by Demandbase and Demand Metric found that four in five respondents are concerned their tech vendors could put them at risk of violating the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

That’s not a good place to be. Confidence results in trust. Trust leads to a greater likelihood of driving marketing performance for you and your partner, and of a long-term partnership.

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February 5, 2019 - MarketingCharts

The State of Email Engagement

In December 2018, Return Path and Demand Metric partnered to study the state of email marketing to equip marketers with data and best practices to improve subscriber engagement.

Overall email effectiveness is improving– As a marketing channel, almost 80% of the study’s participants reported that email is holding steady or improving in terms of effectiveness. Almost two-thirds of study participants rate email as one of the most important, or the most important channels in use.

Read the full article.

February 5, 2019 - eMarketer

Data Compliance Brings Added Cost to Influencer Marketing

Many marketers share similar worries. A survey by Demandbase and Demand Metric found that four in five respondents were concerned their tech vendors could put them at risk of violating GDPR.

Still, 54% of marketers said audience insight data is an essential part of influencer identification, according to a study published by Econsultancy in November 2018. This includes both demographic and psychographic information on the influencer’s audience. The same study also showed that 83% of industry marketers said they need better data and metrics.

Read the full article.

January 29, 2019 - Business Wire

New Research Shows Marketers Who Focus on Subscriber Engagement Get More Email Delivered to the Inbox

Return Path partners with Demand Metric to study marketers’ understanding of subscriber engagement, the tactics they use to improve engagement, and how these things impact email deliverability and overall effectiveness.

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January 17, 2019 - BestTechie

Overlooked B2B content strategies that will skyrocket your lead generation

According to a Demand Metric study, content marketing costs 62 percent less than traditional marketing, while generating around three times as many leads for every dollar spent. But despite having so much potential for B2B business, many companies are hesitant about committing to a content marketing strategy.

That’s because developing a blogging strategy that works isn’t easy – you need to know the approaches that will bring you the results, as well as have an understanding about how to be more productive in your content marketing efforts, instead of wasting resources and time on tactics that simply don’t work.  

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December 27, 2018 - eMarketer

Five Charts Showing Marketers' Views on Working With Vendors

The complex ad supply chain is also making some marketers anxious that their tech partners could expose them to fines for breaking data privacy laws. In a June 2018 survey of 255 marketers worldwide conducted by Demandbase and Demand Metric, four in five respondents were concerned their tech vendors could put them at risk of violating the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Read the full article.

December 3, 2018 - eMarketer

Why Many Marketers Look To Cut Vendors

Another issue, particularly for European marketers, is that data privacy laws like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) could expose marketers to fines if they use people’s personal data without their permission.

In a June 2018 survey of 255 marketers worldwide conducted by Demandbase and Demand Metric, four in five respondents were concerned their tech vendors could put them at risk of violating the GDPR.

Read the full article.

November 27, 2018 - Adweek

How to Get the Most Out of Your Email Marketing

It’s easy to overlook traditional email when compared with interactive and higher cost channels like paid display and social. With the right level of attention and integration, however, this reliable and low-cost workhorse can be your secret weapon to improve acquisition and retention performance on all your campaigns.

Read the full article.

November 21, 2018 - Josic

Improve Your Digital Marketing In 2019

Estimating both inside and outer reach will give you a more extensive picture of what content sorts, themes, and informing are powerful in the market.

Estimating outer reach can be precarious. Truth be told, 17% of advertisers in a Demand Metric investigation said they have no substance viability estimations set up, and 49% are utilizing just essential measurements, for example, clicks or downloads.

Read the full article.

November 8, 2018 - Forbes

How Content Marketing Can Benefit In A Post-GDPR World

As you might imagine, because the GDPR commands a global reach, it has had a significant effect on the digital marketing landscape over the last few months:

Only 36% of marketers are asking users to re-consent to email lists, and only 32% say their organizations are fully compliant with GDPR, according to a 2018 survey of nearly 250 global marketers from DemandBase and Demand Metric.

Read the full article.

October 5, 2018 - Nasdaq

A Marketing-Based Approach to Building the Blockchain Developer Community

ABM reverses the traditional top-down pyramid, with the focus on creating a subset of customers that marketers have selected based on a deep understanding of customer needs and their own product's value proposition.

According to research by the ITSMA , 87 percent of companies believe that ABM marketing delivers a higher return on investment than other types of marketing. Meanwhile, Demand Metric noted that 69 percent of ABM users said the primary benefit of the approach was better aligned sales and marketing teams.

Read the full article.

September 27, 2018 - Forbes

Loyal To Content: Thinking Beyond Punch Cards For Loyalty Programs

According to a report by Demand Metric, 82% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content. Better yet, 78% perceive a relationship between themselves and a company using custom content. These figures speak for themselves. Why aren’t more brands doing it?

The problem is, producing great content is much more difficult than offering punch cards or delivering free Wi-Fi. While most brands are doing some form of content creation -- whether through blogging, user-generated content or video production -- there is still a massive gap between those that do it well and those that do it because they have to.

Read the full article.

September 20, 2018 - eMarketer

Five Charts: Yes, the GDPR Is Shaking Up Digital Marketing

Companies found to be in violation of the GDPR face a fine of €20 million ($22.1 million) or 4% of global revenues (whichever is greater). Many marketers worry that they risk getting fined if they work with vendors who aren’t compliant with the GDPR.

In a June 2018 survey of 255 marketers worldwide conducted by Demandbase and Demand Metric, just one-fifth of respondents were not concerned about their tech vendors putting them at risk of violating the GDPR. About six in 10 respondents were slightly or somewhat concerned about their vendors exposing them to legal risks. Just 9% were extremely concerned.

Read the full article.

September 2018 - Demand Metric Research

Ways to Use SEO for Lead Generation (Infographic)

According to the 2017 State of Inbound report from HubSpot, generating enough traffic and leads is the top marketing challenge facing 63% of organizations they surveyed.

But this trend is not entirely new, in fact, a 2014 survey conducted by Demand Metric Research also found that more than 90% of companies are underwhelmed by the number of leads their marketing generates.

August 26, 2018 - London Free Press

London tech firms shuffle downtown sites

Tech companies are fast becoming the anchors of downtown London as the shuffle for office space continues.

Race Roster’s former office has been snapped up by Demand Metric. Co-founder Matt Hunter said the company is “growing like a weed” and had outgrown its old office at 562 Wellington St., once occupied by HR Downloads.

Read the full article.

August 17, 2018 - Business 2 Community

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a broad term that encompasses the words and images used to promote a product or service. In today’s online world, excellent content marketing cuts through the noise of unhelpful information to attract the right customers with the businesses and services they want to find.

If you have a website already consider adding a blog. Websites with blogs have 55% more visitors according to Hubspot and produce 67% more leads according to Demand Metric.

Read the full article.

August 10, 2018 - Coverage on Adotas

Between Email Marketing Tactics, Program Effectiveness, and Revenue Growth

In partnership with global research firm Demand Metric, leading email solutions provider, Return Path released a new research report, The State of Email Marketing. Demand Metric and Return Path sought to determine what separates high performing email marketing programs from the rest of the pack.

Read the full article.

August 6, 2018 - Coverage on eMarketer

Marketers Worry that Vendors Expose Them to GDPR Fines

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is giving marketers ad tech anxiety. Many marketers worry that they risk getting fined if they work with vendors who aren’t compliant with the GDPR, which stipulates that user data can be used only if a company has explicit permission from the individual.

In a June survey of 255 marketers worldwide conducted by Demandbase and Demand Metric, just one-fifth of respondents were not concerned about their tech vendors putting them at risk of violating the GDPR.

Read the full article.

July 31, 2018 - Coverage on PR Newswire

80 Percent of Marketers Concerned Their Marketing Technology Vendors Might Expose Their Company to GDPR Legal Risks

Demandbase, the leader in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), today unveiled the results of its Privacy and GDPR survey, issued in conjunction with global research firm, Demand Metric, to understand marketers' approach to data privacy. The research was conducted about one month after the GDPR deadline and found that 23 percent of marketers surveyed were not even aware of the GDPR.

Read the full article.

June 21, 2018 - Coverage on eContent

New Research Studies Correlation Between Email Marketing Tactics, Program Effectiveness, and Revenue Growth

In partnership with global research firm Demand Metric, email solutions provider Return Path released a new research report, The State of Email Marketing. With this new report, Demand Metric and Return Path sought to determine what separates high performing email marketing programs from the rest of the pack.

Research findings highlight the interplay of various aspects of email marketing, such as the presence (or absence) of specific marketing objectives, performance in critical metrics like average open and click rates, and the use of various email marketing technologies. The study also features insights into how these factors contribute to email marketing effectiveness and revenue growth.

Read the full article.

June 20, 2018 - Coverage on MediaPost

Email Marketers Report Mixed Results, But Technology Is Helping Some: Study

Email marketers have issues. Less than a tenth are free of challenges, and over a third have open rates of 10% or lower, according to The State of Email Marketing, a study by Return Path and Demand Metric.

But some are making progress anyway. Demand Metric researcher John Follett states that among study participants with above-average open rates, “nearly three quarters report using technology that helps them preview email campaigns." 

Read the full article.

June 20, 2018 - Coverage on BusinessWire

New Research Studies Correlation Between Email Marketing Tactics, Program Effectiveness, and Revenue Growth

In partnership with global research firm Demand Metric, leading email solutions provider Return Path today released a new research report, The State of Email Marketing. With this new report, Demand Metric and Return Path sought to determine what separates high performing email marketing programs from the rest of the pack.

Demand Metric researcher John Follett said of the study’s findings, “Marketers as a group are finding it increasingly difficult to engage with their audience in a meaningful way, and it’s fascinating to see how technology is helping with that challenge. For example, among study participants with above average open rates, nearly three quarters report using technology that helps them preview email campaigns. It seems simple, but understanding how your audience is going to see your campaign clearly makes a difference.”

Read the full article.

June 18, 2018 - Coverage on RetailDive

Lululemon notches 38% email open rate by tailoring to mobile

Even with the rise in popularity of social media, email has remained an essential tool for marketers, including on newer channels mobile. According to a 2016 survey by the Direct Marketing Association and Demand Metric, email marketing had a median ROI of 122%.

However, Lululemon's case shows that a successful mobile email strategy should be tailored to the channel, focused on brevity and putting media elements like well-designed imagery above the fold to immediately grab viewers' attention on smaller smartphone screens.

Read the full article.

June 4, 2018 - Coverage on MarketingDive

Memorial Day didn't deliver on email marketing performance, analysis finds

Email marketing continues to generate a high return on marketing spend, and investment in email continues to grow. A 2016 survey by the Direct Marketing Association and Demand Metric revealed that email had a median ROI of 122%.

However, email marketers must be able to properly gauge the mood and habits of their consumer base. Research published by Persado last year found that the most successful email subject lines for U.K. and U.S. recipients evoked anxiety, while other areas of Europe responded more positively to gratification.  

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April 18, 2018 - Coverage on PRdaily

How can content marketers earn more engagement with quizzes?

Content is everywhere, bombarding us from every direction in every form. According to CMI, people saw an average of 2,000 ads each day in 1984. By 2014, that number more than doubled to 5,000. As a marketer, how do you create messaging which cuts through all that noise? The answer: quizzes.

The main goal of quizzes in content marketing is to increase the conversion rate on your website. A study from Demand Metric states that interactive content, such as quizzes, can generate twice as many conversions (compared to static content like a regular sign-up form).

Read the full article.

April 9, 2018 - Coverage on EINnews

Chaitanya Cherukuri advises on the importance of content for online businesses

A recent study by Demand Metric supports this, suggesting that over 70% of people would prefer to learn about a company through articles, blog posts, videos or other valuable online content than through adverts. A similar percentage also reported feeling closer to a company after having consumed their content marketing material, while over 80% admitted that quality marketing content typically left them with a favorable impression of a business or brand.

Furthermore, the study reveals that content marketing is not only 62% less costly than traditional marketing but that per dollar spent, it generates approximately three times as many leads. "Similarly, the Demand Metric study highlights that over 60% of people actually enjoy reading relevant content from online businesses," Cherukuri points out. 

Read the full article.

March 2018 - Demand Metric Research

Interactive Content: How Your Company Can Use Quizzes, Calculators, and Interactive White Papers for Lead Generation

Not only is interactive content a creative way to engage with your audience, it can also be a differentiating factor that sets you apart from your competition. It’s better at educating buyers and is shared more frequently than passive content. A recent Demand Metric and Ion Interactive study revealed:

  • 84% of respondents rate interactive content as effective in differentiating from competitors
  • 58% of respondents rate passive content as effective in differentiating from competitors
  • 90% consider interactive content effective at educating buyers
  • 65% consider passive content effective at educating buyers
  • 63% consider interactive content as frequently or very frequently shared
  • 32% consider passive content as frequently or very frequently shared

March 23, 2018 - Coverage on MartechSeries

Email Signature Marketing: 10 Tips on How to Drive Leads, Increase Sales and Boost Your Social Following

Despite the rapid growth of social media and technologies, email remains one of the most effective marketing channels. According to a research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association and Demand Metric, email has a median ROI of 122% which is four times higher than other marketing formats such as paid search advertising or social media.

Email is one of the few marketing channels that do not depend on a third party company algorithms. It gives you complete control over who will see your message, what your target audience will read, and when the communication will take place. In other words, email allows you to speak to your potential customers directly, increase the effectiveness of marketing communications through segmentation and send highly targeted personalized messages.

Read the full article.

March 20, 2018 - Coverage on MarketingProfs

The State of Sales Content ROI [Infographic]

Most firms say they cannot measure the return on investment (ROI) of specific pieces of sales content, according to recent research from Demand Metric and Seismic.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in December 2017 among 314 salespeople and marketers who work for firms of various sizes; 59% work for B2B companies, 13% for B2C companies, and 28% for hybrid companies.

Read the full article.

March 13, 2018 - Coverage on MarTechSeries

Five DIY Activities to Become a B2B Content Rockstar

According to the B2B Content Marketing 2018 report by CMI and MarketingProfs, forty-seven percent of the respondents (B2B marketers from North America) outsource marketing activities around their content. While quality and accuracy of content form the core of their marketing activities, the rise of intent marketing has pushed the boundaries for modern content marketers.

78% of the CMOs believe that Content Marketing is the future of marketing, says Demand Metric. Nearly 805 B2B marketers rely on custom content as their central activity to boost their marketing performance.

Read the full article.

March 9, 2018 - Coverage on SearchEngineLand

7 marketing and promotion tactics to get your content discovered

It’s no secret a well-executed content marketing campaign can deliver a solid return on investment. According to Demand Metric, content marketing generates three times more leads than most outbound marketing strategies at 62 percent less cost.

As marketers pad their budgets with more money to invest in content marketing this year, one strategy that often gets overlooked is content promotion. According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 55 percent of B2B marketers were not even sure what a successful content marketing campaign looked like!

Read the full article.

February 28, 2018 - Coverage on DemandGenReport

Understanding And Maximizing Sales Content ROI

Producing high-quality sales content is vital to fueling conversations later in the buying journey.

But there is still room for improvement to measure sales content impact: nearly 20% of marketers have no sales content metrics in place at all. This infographic from Seismic [and Demand Metric] highlights research from the company's recent Sales Content ROI survey, and provides best practices for marketers looking to better measure the value of their sales content.

Read the full article.

February 28, 2018 - Coverage on MarketingCharts

B2B Sales Content Hampered by Lack of Visibility Into Usage, Effectiveness

Sales content is perceived to be important to closing the deal, but its effectiveness is dampened by poor distribution methods and a lack of information about its usage and effectiveness. That’s according to a report from Seismic and Demand Metric, which surveyed 300 respondents in marketing (79% share) and sales (21% share).

Both Marketing and Sales Recognize Content’s Importance. Research has found almost half of B2B decision-makers believing that thought leadership has directly led to them deciding to do business with a company. As it appears, those making use of content for sales purposes also aren’t shy about recognizing content’s potential impact.

Read the full article.

February 28, 2018 - Coverage on mySanAntonio

Use These Web Design Tricks to Grow Your Business Exponentially

Incorporating video into your website design is a no-brainer. I mean, 78 percent of internet users watch videos online every week. But, don't just embed any old YouTube video. Instead, take your website design to the next level by creating a video landing page. You could target this video to a direct call to action on a particular web page, a la Salesforce. Or you could take a page out of Baesman's book and create an immersive video that auto-plays on your homepage. Either of these approaches can provide information or drive home the brand's identity -- but both will improve UX and users' impression of your company as a whole.

Not sold? The proof is in the pudding. According to Vidyard and Demand Metric's The State of Video Marketing 2017 study -- which surveyed 159 B2B and B2C professionals and entrepreneurs -- it is predicted that 69 percent of website traffic will be video, while 70 percent of professional participants reported that video converts better than other forms of information and content.

Read the full article.

February 20, 2018 - Coverage on PR Newswire

Seismic/Demand Metric Report: Effective Sales Asset Management Generates Significant Revenue Gains

What is the result of effectively equipping sellers with the content they need in buyer interactions? An approximate 20 percent increase in revenue, according to a study released today by Seismic and Demand Metric.

In a survey of more than 300 North American marketing and sales leaders, over half of participants estimated a revenue increase of 20 percent or more if the needed sales content was always available to their sellers at the right time and at each stage of the sales cycle. The study also found that marketers are the primary drivers of such potential revenue generation, responsible for the management and creation of 70 percent of sales content.

Read the full article.

February 13, 2018 - Coverage on eMarketer

For US Marketers, Attribution Remains a Major Priority: Marketers need to account for all touchpoints in the customer journey 

While eMarketer estimates that more than six in 10 US companies will use multichannel attribution in 2018, and Econsultancy estimates 37% of in-house marketers worldwide used marketing attribution in 2017, very few marketers are using more advanced attribution practices.

A May 2017 survey conducted by the DMA and marketing research firm Demand Metric found just 13% of US marketers reported using advanced attribution for marketing.

Read the full article.

February 9, 2018 - Coverage on FourthSource

Black Friday, Blue Monday and beyond: Ways to engage your customers and not be afraid to buck the trend

New year, new beginnings, and that means new plans and strategies for every brand’s email marketing communications. To say that email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools that delivers excellent return on investment (ROI) is the understatement of the year.

According to Adestra’s 2017 Email Marketing Census in partnership with Econsultancy, 73% of marketers rate email marketing as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ in terms of ROI. In addition to this, the DMA and Demand Metric found that email marketing has an average of 122% ROI (four times higher than other marketing tools such as social media, paid search or direct mail).

Read the full article.

January 2018 - Demand Metric Research

In-House or Outsourced? Answering the Content Creation Question

The Content Marketing Institute’s 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends reports show how far content marketing has spread: 91% of participating B2B marketers use content marketing (of the 9% that aren’t already doing so, 54% plan to add the tactic in 2018). 86% of B2C marketing respondents have active content strategies in place.

This broad adoption should come as no surprise, given that:

  • Content marketing produces three times more leads than paid search marketing, according to a survey by Kapost and Eloqua.
  • “60% of people are inspired to seek out a product after reading content about it,” per data from Demand Metric.
  • DemandGen data suggests that nearly seven in 10 B2B buyers claim to increasingly rely on content when researching purchasing decisions.


January 2018 - Demand Metric Research

1 Shocking Stat About Content ROI and Content Metrics

We talk a lot about the importance of measuring the effectiveness of all the content that Marketing creates. It’s necessary to have insights into how those pieces are performing to ensure that resources and time aren’t being wasted. Not only is it important to measure whether Sales is actually using the content, it’s also crucial to understand if materials are moving the needle in terms of closing deals.

Here at Seismic we have partnered with Demand Metric on an upcoming Sales Content ROI Benchmark Study Report. We’re working on the final touches and analysis, but it will be packed full of incredibly interesting and useful data about how organizations currently leverage content metrics and ascertain ROI. The study’s participants are from successful B2B organizations, and three-fourths of the respondents are marketing professionals. The full report will be published shortly, but we’re giving you a sneak peek at one of the most interesting findings within the report.

December 8, 2017 - Coverage on Entrepeneur

4 B2B Marketing Trends You Can't Afford to Miss in 2018

The new year is coming fast, and the best way to prepare -- and stay ahead of your competitors -- is to anticipate upcoming trends in B2B marketing. Just like the previous years, marketers will have to continue to deal with tangible growth and ROI pressures in 2018 as well.

A study by Seismic and Demand Metric looked at the reasons why B2B business were not implementing personalization and found that a lack of resources, technology and data were cited more often than not. They also found that effectiveness of content personalization strategy is resoundingly high for those who have adopted it.

Read the full article.

November 17, 2017 - Coverage on ContentMarketingConsultancy

Investment In Video Continues But Analytics Needs Work

Video continues to grow in importance as a content type, but marketers can better deploy more sophisticated analytics to track its performance. That's a main finding of a survey by research firm Demand Metric and video solutions provider Vidyard. 

The annual study, which drew on 159 responses of marketers across a range of different-sized companies, found that the creation of video for marketing purposes grew for the fourth consecutive year.

Read the full article.

November 14, 2017 - Coverage on PRWeb

Noble Webworks Launches New Content Marketing Division

In response to surging demand from its growing client roster for targeted, optimized and on-brand content, leading internet marketing and web design firm Noble Webworks has launched a new content marketing division.

Once considered an auxiliary tactic, content marketing has now emerged as an essential piece of a results-based internet marketing program. According to global marketing research and advisory firm Demand Metric, content marketing costs 62 percent less than outbound marketing, yet generates 300 percent more leads. 

Read the full article.

November 2, 2017 - Coverage on MarketWired

New Research Finds Use of Video Accelerating in B2B with 71 Percent Reporting that Video Converts Better than Other Content Types

For the fourth year in a row, Vidyard, the new generation video platform for business, has partnered with Demand Metric, the marketing research and advisory firm, to publish The 2017 State of Video Marketing report.

Based on research conducted with B2B marketing and sales teams across a wide range of markets and company sizes, this year's results showed that the use of video within marketing teams is rapidly accelerating with a significant growth in the number of sales teams now also using video.

Read the full article.

October 25, 2017 - Coverage on Techwire

More people access email through mobile devices than ever before

According to a study conducted by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) and Demand Metric 88 percent or more marketers still rely heavily on email to reach their audiences, regardless of industry.

It’s got a penetration rate of 76 percent in the US, which is set to increase to 79 percent in the next four years. That number gets a bit wobbly when it comes to audiences in Asia Pacific, where the majority of populations prefer instant messaging platforms, and social media sites.

Read the full article.

October 8, 2017 - Coverage on Forbes

Converting Analytics Into Action: The Predictive Analytics Understanding-Activation Gap

Converting analysis into behavior-changing programs if often challenging for marketers. While descriptive analysis investigates what has happened in the past (i.e., what is the demographic profile of individuals who buy shampoo), predictive analytics uses existing data and trends to predict what might happen in the future (i.e., integrating different data to predict the market share a company might achieve as they enter a new geography).

Predictive marketing company Radius conducted a survey with Demand Metric to identify the key challenges facing B2B marketers and the impact of predictive analytics. The following, from Shari Johnston, SVP and Head of Marketing at Radius, provides insight on how marketers can convert analytics into action.

Read the full article.

August 28, 2017 - Coverage on eMarketer

For Many Marketers, Email Is Still King

As a channel to reach prospects and customers, email continues to thrive, even as other messaging platforms emerge. Nine in 10 marketers in North America say they use email to engage their audience, according to a September 2016 survey by Winterberry Group and the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), the most commonly used channel over digital display, owned web content and search.

Email’s dominance holds true across industries. A May 2017 survey from DMA and Demand Metric of US marketers found that all of those working in healthcare or pharma as well as travel and hospitality used email marketing. Nonprofits (96%), publishing and media (93%) and business-to-business (B2B) services (90%) were also strong adopters of email. Among the industries that were broken out, marketers in retail said they used email the least, although usage was a still-healthy 81%.

Read the full article.

August 22, 2017 - Coverage on allBusiness

4 Ways to Produce Better Content and Stand Out from the Crowd

If you want to secure long-term success in digital marketing, there is nothing more important than content. Every year, Fortune 500 companies invest more money into their content operations; the average Fortune 500 company spends between 26 and 50% of its marketing budget on content.

Customers have higher expectations today. They demand more education from the companies that they buy from. According to Demand Metric, 82% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content.

Read the full article.

August 1, 2017 - Coverage on Forbes

Four Ways To Increase Your Company's Interaction And Engagement Levels

It is hard to keep up-to-date in the ever-evolving digital marketing space but interaction and engagement have become imperative to consumer and buyer behaviors.

According to Demand Metric, "content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates three times as many leads." The marketers who decide to prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to receive a positive return on investment from the experience.

Read the full article.

June 26, 2017 - Coverage on Forbes

The Analytics Understanding-Activation Gap: Why Marketers Struggle To Leverage Predictive Analytics

Understanding analytics is one thing. But it’s a very different skill to convert understanding into behavior-changing programs.

Predictive marketing company, Radius, recently conducted a survey with Demand Metric to understand the key challenges facing B2B demand generation marketers and the impact that predictive analysis has. To better understand the results of the study, I turned to Shari Johnston, SVP and Head of Marketing at Radius, who provided the following insight.

Read the full article.

March 20, 2017 - Coverage on PRWeb

Content Consistency Study Shows Fragmented Content Impairs Revenue; Consistent Content Enhances It

The typical customer journey has an average of just over 5 "touchpoints" where customers encounter content. But for four out of 10 organizations, that content is fragmented, diminishing its impact.

MarcomCentral, a leading provider of cloud-based Marketing Asset Management and Variable Data Publishing, and Demand Metric, a research and advisory firm, today announced the publication of new research: “The State and Impact of Content Consistency.” Among the key findings of the study was that almost two-thirds of firms lose business when the sales team doesn’t have the content it needs.

Read the full article.

January 19, 2017 - Coverage on eMarketer

Social Media Falls Short of Expectations for B2B Marketers

Questions remain about ROI

A growing percentage of US business-to-business (B2B) marketers say they are using social media to promote their businesses.

August 2016 research by Demand Metric underlines social media's growing popularity, and increasing challenges, for B2B marketers. On the positive side, Demand Metric found that more B2B organizations were relying on social media as a marketing channel. According to the survey's respondents, close to half said their organization had at a least a "medium" level of social media involvement.

Read the full article.

December 19, 2016 - Coverage on eMarketer

Growth of Video Content Marketing Eases, Survey Finds

About a quarter still can’t measure effectiveness

North American marketers are increasing their spending on video content marketing, but they appear to be a bit less bullish than last year.

In October, Demand Metric and Vidyard surveyed 289 marketers about their video marketing objectives. According to the survey, a majority of the respondents said they are upping spending at least somewhat for their video marketing this year. But the levels were down from 2015.

Read the full article.

November 29, 2016 - Coverage on Business Wire

Video Marketing Most Effective When Measured with Advanced Analytics

KITCHENER, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Video remains the hottest and most effective form of marketing content, but many marketers are missing out on returns because they aren’t adequately measuring video performance, according to a new survey from Demand Metric.

For the third consecutive year, Demand Metric partnered with Vidyard, the video platform for business, to produce “The State of Video Marketing Benchmark Study Report” with the goal of understanding how video performs as a content type. It also investigates new trends around video personalization and use of video with account-based marketing strategy, as well as examining video’s spread beyond marketing departments./p>

Read the full article.

November 10, 2016 - Coverage on PRWeb

Demand Metric and Lucidpress Release Benchmark Research on Brand Consistency

London, On - November 10, 2016 - Lucidpress, a design and brand management platform for marketers, and Demand Metric, a research and advisory firm, today announced the publication of new research: “The Impact of Brand Consistency: Insights on the Impact and Value of Brand Consistency”. Among the key findings of the study was that organizations with consistent brand presentations are three to four times more likely to enjoy excellent brand visibility than those with inconsistent brand presentations.

Read the full article.

October 4, 2016 - Coverage on PRWeb

Demand Metric and Vanilla Forums Release 2016 State of Online Communities for Customer Support

Montreal, QC - October 4th 2016 - Vanilla Forums, online customer community platform, and Demand Metric, a research and advisory firm, today announced the availability of a new research report called “2016 State of Online Communities for Customer Support ”.

Communities offer the promise of reducing support costs, encouraging advocacy and serving as a platform for sharing best practices. The content that is collected in an online community can provide rich insights into customer behavior, preferences and needs.

This research shows that the very presence of a community in the lineup of support channels can influence the revenue contribution of the support process. 

Read the full article.

September 23, 2016 - Coverage on FierceCMO

Survey: Brand awareness, lead gen top B2B social media goals

B2B marketing organizations know that social media is an integral component of any modern marketing strategy, and leveraging social platforms to increase brand awareness and drive new leads are the top two goals for marketers on social, according to new data.

The “B2B Social Media Investment & Returns” report from Demand Metric and Socedo polled 475 B2B marketing pros about how they are leveraging social media, the budget they are dedicating to it and what they are seeing in return. The survey found that brand awareness, lead generation and thought leadership account for 75 percent of primary usage for social by B2B brands.

Read the full article.

June 16, 2016 - Coverage on Mobile Marketing Watch 

Report: It’s Time to Graduate From Inbound

Act-On Software, a provider of marketing automation for fast-growing businesses, and Demand Metric, a marketing research and advisory firm, have just released findings from a joint benchmark study on Inbound Marketing Effectiveness, which revealed that neither Inbound Marketing nor Outbound Marketing alone drives today’s businesses.

According to the new report, the majority of marketers take a balanced approach to marketing, blending inbound and outbound tactics as part of an “Allbound” marketing strategy.

With the rise of Account-Based Marketing, Inbound Marketing is losing its authority and becoming a less effective strategy for B2B companies, while outbound tactics continue to hold steady and serve as the backbone of ABM.

Read the full article.

May 23, 2016 - Coverage on Hive9 

Demand Metric and Hive9 Release Benchmark B2B Research on Marketing Performance Management

Research Shows That Top-Performing Marketing Teams Are 44 Percent More Effective at Understanding the Customer Journey 

Hive9, the marketing performance management company, and Demand Metric, a research and advisory firm, today announced the availability of a new research report called “Empowering Your Customer Journeys With Marketing Performance Management”. The complimentary report is available on Hive9’s website

Key findings from the report include:

  • 89 percent of top-performing marketing organizations set quantifiable performance targets for many or nearly all their programs.
  • Top-performing marketers are better at understanding and measuring the customer experience. On a scale from 1-10 where 10 = extremely effective, the Best rate 7.9; the Rest rate 5.7.
  • Top-performing marketers more effectively optimize content for the stages of the buying journey: the Best marketers rate 7.4, while the Rest rate 5.3 where 10 = extremely effective.


Read the full article.

April 27, 2016 - Coverage on PR Newswire 

Research Reveals Predictive Analytics Drives Revenue Growth

Radius, the leading business-to-business predictive marketing platform, today announced the results from its B2B Demand Generation & Predictive Marketing Study, in conjunction with Demand Metric Analyst Research. The study identified the key challenges facing B2B demand generation marketers and how predictive analytics addresses those challenges.

Within the study, B2B demand generation respondents outlined their primary challenges. Unsurprisingly, four of the top five challenges were associated with the top of the funnel activity, or driving inbound leads:

Read the full article.

April 19, 2016 - Coverage on PRWeb 

Has the Ground Shifted Under Top Performing Marketers’ Feet?

Demand Metric and VisionEdge Marketing released the 15th annual marketing performance management (MPM) benchmarking study findings. This ongoing study strives to understand how marketing organizations can achieve superior performance measurement and management and serve as Centers of Excellence. This year’s MPM study reveals that progress over the past year was both real and illusory.

The C-Suite message is loud and clear; marketers need to be more driven to produce real, actionable insights from their data. Marketing organizations wanting to earn or keep their seat at the corporate leadership table must focus on both sides of the analytics coin: data and metrics. Failure to do so creates the appearance of progress without producing real results.

Read the full article.

April 6, 2016 - Coverage on MarketingProfs 

The State of B2B Content Personalization

Most B2B marketers are tailoring content to specific audiences to some degree, but much of that personalization is done manually, according to recent research from Seismic and Demand Metric.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in February 2016 of 190 marketers who work at companies of various sizes, 68% of them B2B-focused, 23% mixed B2B and B2C, and 9% B2C.

Some 61% of surveyed marketers say their company tailors at least some of its content.

Read the full article.

April 4, 2016 - Coverage on MarketingDIVE 

Lack of technology keeping marketers from personalizing content: eMarketer

EMarketer reports that recent research from Demand Metric and Seismic on personalizing marketing content has found 59% of U.S. marketers don’t personalize content because they don’t have the technology to automate the process.

The same 59% reported a lack of bandwidth and/or resources, followed by 53% reportedly citing they lacked the necessary data for personalization.

Meanwhile, separate research from the CMO Council from last summer found that personalized content was proving effective, with 56% of surveyed marketers worldwide reporting higher response and engagement rates, and 47% reporting more timely and relevant interactions.

Read the full article.

March 31, 2016 - Coverage on eMarketer 

Why Marketers Don't Personalize Content

While technology can help marketers personalize at scale, a lack of it is also the biggest reason execs say they don’t personalize their content, according to February 2016 research.

More than half (59%) of US marketers surveyed by Demand Metric and Seismic said they do not personalize content because they don’t have the technology. Some 59% of respondents said they don’t have the bandwidth or resources, and 54% said they don’t have the needed data. 

Read the full article.

March 30, 2016 - Coverage on FierceCMO 

Study: Personalization makes content more impactful

Marketers are relying on content marketing efforts more than ever, and many are finding increased success through content personalization, with 80 percent of respondents to a new survey finding personalized content to be more effective.

The "Content Marketing's Evolution: The Age of Hyper-Personalization and Automation" report from Demand Metric and Seismic polled B2B marketers on their content efforts, and found that personalization is driving success.

Read the full article.

March 24, 2016 - Coverage on MarTech Advisor

Personalized Content Better Helps Achieve Objectives Throughout Customer Journey

There are now few places within the customer journey that can’t be bolstered by content, finds a new report released today from Seismic, the end-to-end sales enablement solution, and Demand Metric. According to the more than 180 B2B enterprise stakeholders surveyed, lead generation (70 percent of respondents) is the most cited objective for B2B content marketing initiatives, and sales team support and enablement (64 percent) is the second-most cited objective, surpassing both thought leadership efforts (58 percent) and web traffic generation (56 percent), among other objectives. Eighty percent of respondents also indicate that these objectives are better met when content is personalized.

Read the full article.

February 29, 2016 - Coverage on Customer Think

The Customer Retention Disconnect in B2B 

Last November, Demand Metric published a report on customer lifecycle marketing that was based on a survey of business, marketing, and sales leaders, most of whom were affiliated with B2B companies. The Demand Metric research found that only a relatively small minority of B2B companies have fully implemented a customer lifecycle approach to marketing.

Read the full article.

February 17, 2016 - Coverage on Business 2 Community

Fast Forward: Video Content Goes Interactive and Personal

Marketing technology took a lot of big steps forward in 2015. Predictive analytics, engagement marketing, and account-based marketing all took hold, and companies like Facebook announced that more than 8 billion videos are viewed every day on their social network. Whoa, wait a minute, WHAT?! Yes, that’s a ridiculously huge number and just one of the many stats that suggest video is one of the hottest trends that marketers need to watch for.

Read the full article.

February 10, 2016 - Coverage on The Drum

Three reasons video advertising will continue to dominate 2016

Technology’s made it less expensive to produce video content, making it more accessible for brands everywhere. Video ads are powerful, too. When Demand Metricsurveyed marketers and agencies in 2014 for example, 71 per cent of respondents said their video conversion performance was better than other media. Additionally in the UK, eMarkerter reports video CTR in H1 2015 outperformed standard banner display ad CTR 0.34 per cent to 0.11 per cent. 

Read the full article.

February 4, 2016 - Coverage on PRWeb



Research Shows New Opportunities for Content Marketing to Boost Sales Performance

ion interactive, provider of interactive content marketing software and services, released research conducted by Demand Metric that shows the need for more meaningful prospect insights that result from a web visitor’s interaction with content marketing.

As content marketing continues to grow in strategic importance, organizations struggle to provide meaningful insights on prospect content consumption to sales teams. “Digital Body Language” is the most common way this information is surfaced to sales, via tracking done with marketing automation platforms. 

Read the full article.

February 2, 2016 - Coverage on Business Wire



Key Findings about Interactive Video

Interactive video is part of the evolving video landscape and offers marketers new opportunity in 2016 to drive better engagement with key audiences. To better characterize use of interactive video and to understand its potential to reach mainstream adoption, Brightcove and Demand Metric surveyed Brightcove technology partners and customers currently using interactive video.

Among this survey set, participants reported that interactive video represents more than one-third of the video content that they are producing. The report reveals that practitioners broadly define interactive video to include:

Read the full article.

February 1, 2016 - Coverage on Business 2 Community



How Sophisticated is Your Account-Based Marketing Strategy?

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is quickly becoming a must-have for B2B marketers. In fact, data from Demand Metric show that 71% of B2B organizations interested in adopting ABM, are testing or already using it.

Through our conversations with B2B marketers, we’ve learned that there isn’t one single path that companies can take as they implement ABM. Rather, that every company is different—with their own challenges, goals and technology stacks.

Read the full article.

January 25, 2016 - Coverage on Marketing Profs



Five Reasons Interactive Content Drives Engagement

Your customers are bombarded with content every time they look at their smartphones, open their laptops, or use their digital tablets. To be noticed, marketers have to stop selling and start engaging. A total of 70% of marketers agree that interactive content is effective at engaging buyers, according to a study by Demand Metric.

Read the full article.

January 21, 2016 - Coverage on Econsultancy



What are the key digital strategies for 2016? [stats]

The strategy and operations arm of our Internet Statistics Compendium is one of the fastest growing documents within the ISC series.

Last month saw the addition of data published by ourselves in-house and a wealth of freely-available stats from a number of other research houses in the UK and beyond.

I thought I would use this post to share some of the most notable digital strategy trends according to business managers and employees as they reflect on 2015 and start planning for 2016.

Read the full article.

January 14, 2016 - Coverage on Business 2 Community



The state of content creation couldn’t be stronger.

Just checkout these statistics:

- 60% of customers say they feel more positive about a brand after reading custom content on its website. See more at: imagination.

- 70% of content marketers are creating more content than they did a year ago.

- 90% of organizations now market with content, according to Demand Metric.

Read the full article.

January 13, 2016 - Coverage on Huffington Post



How Video Marketing Will Change the Game for Marketers in 2016.

In April of 2015, it was unveiled that over 4 billion videos were being played back each day on the Facebook platform alone. By September, this number had doubled to a staggering 8 billion video views per day.

Cisco now predicts that 80% of all Internet traffic will be streaming video content by 2019, up from 64% in 2014. And in a recentmarket survey by research firm Demand Metric, 74% of B2B marketers reported that video now converts better than other content types. Read the full article.

January 11, 2016 - Coverage on Direct Marketing News



The Magic of Account-Based Marketing.


Account-based marketing isn't new, but its recent rise in popularity is capturing the attention of B2B marketers looking for innovative ways to increase marketing performance. Although ABM offers the promise of a competitive advantage, it isn't an ideal fit for many organizations.

“At face value, ABM sounds easy to understand—the term is descriptive,” says Mark Ogne, EVP of partner marketing at Demand Metric. “But it's not just a tech platform or a marketing activity. It involves changing the campaigns, content, and audiences that marketing is known for.” Read the full article.

January 7, 2016 - Coverage on MarketingLand

4 B2B Marketing Predictions for 2016 

From the explosive growth of ABM to the consolidation of martech vendors, columnist Peter Isaacson takes a look at what marketers should expect this year.

There’s a lot of research out there that shows Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is on fire. According to Demand Metric, 71 percent of B2B organizations interested in adopting ABM are testing or already using it.

But this is the year ABM sophistication will really grow. As marketers build full-funnel ABM strategies, we’ll see more marketers doing cool things with ABM technology.  Read the full article.

December 8, 2015 - Coverage on Fierce CMO

ABM Consortium survey: Account-based B2B marketing gaining popularity, driving revenue

Account-based marketing tactics that focus on buyers as individuals rather than large, faceless organizations are picking up steam in the B2B world, according to newly-released research.

The "High Performance ABM Capabilities" report from the ABM Consortium surveyed more than 500 marketers, and more than half of respondents are leveraging account-based marketing tactics.

According to the report, more than two-thirds of the study's participants said that account-based marketing is favorably impacting their revenue, though less than 20 percent were able to report a revenue impact within a specific range of revenue increase. Read the full article.

December 8, 2015 - Coverage on DM News

Most Still Stuck on First Base with Account Based Marketing

Account-based marketing is becoming to B2B companies what one-to-one marketing is to B2C enterprises, and it is challenging industrial marketers with the same steep learning curve. A survey of more than 500 B2B marketers by Demand Metric, on behalf of the Account Based Marketing Consortium, revealed a wide range in sophistication level among adopters of account-based marketing (ABM).

At the forefront is a small group of elite practitioners (18%) who attribute revenue increases as high as 25% to ABM. At the bottom of the learning curve are 32% who say the practice has either had a negative impact on their top lines or that they are uncertain. In the middle are the remaining 50% who said they think ABM is having a favorable effect, but they haven't been able to measure it. Read the full article.

December 7, 2015 - Account-Based Marketing Consortium Defines High Performance ABM Capabilities

Consortium to launch its efforts with new research during a live webinar

The Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Consortium today announces the availability of new, primary research that helps all B2B marketers define and validate the path to high-performance Account-Based Marketing. The ABM Consortium is a global effort to help grow the market for ABM through better definition, validation and promotion of best practices. On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, the Consortium will launch its efforts by presenting new research during a live webinar that brings C-level executives from the world’s top ABM platform providers to discuss this new research and its practical application, that is the result of studying hundreds of successful ABM deployments. This new research is the first of its kind and offers marketers a measured path towards what is arguably one of the most desired new strategies in B2B marketing.

“Analyst firms, including Demand Metric, have published recent research confirming that ABM adoption is occurring at a rapid clip,” states Mark Ogne, founder of the ABM Consortium and executive vice president at Demand Metric. Read the full press release.

November 11, 2015 - Coverage on Demand Gen Report

Content and Data Fuel B2B Inbound Marketing Strategies

When it comes to data-driven inbound campaigns, progressive B2B marketers are also turning to interactive content in their inbound efforts to gain better insights into the buyer’s journey. They are using tools such as calculators and assessments to gather behavior metrics and buying intent to enhance nurture messages.

"What's happening now is marketers are using interactive content to get a much clearer picture of a prospects needs and interests," said Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric.

Rackley noted how a data protection and security software company was able to enhance inbound lead generation and scoring due to the engagement prospects had with interactive elements that were added to white papers, E-books and other content. The company was able to attribute roughly 10% of its total inbound leads to the interactive content.

The pressure for B2B organizations to deliver content that is targeted, timely and contextual has increased, and with it, the expectations for inbound marketing effectiveness , according to Adam Blitzer, SVP and GM for Salesforce Pardot.  Read the full blog post.

October 27, 2015 - Coverage on mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

4 Big Questions to Ask Before Building a Dashboard

"Businesses now deal with more data than ever before. But, all of this data is worthless unless properly harnessed. How can they turn this flood of data into meaningful management information?

To address this issue, more and more businesses are gravitating towards dashboards. Dashboards help businesses make sense of their data–turning mountains of information into actionable insights. They alert leaders to business problems, and can help stop issues before they get out of hand.

'If a dashboard isn’t created to display metrics that are aligned with the objectives of the business, it is focused on the wrong thing,' says Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric. 'There are plenty of interesting things to include on a dashboard, but not all of them show progress toward things that matter....'" read the full blog post.

September 30, 2015 - Coverage on eWeek

Account Based Marketing Drives Marketing Success

"Account-based marketing (ABM) has moved swiftly up the adoption curve, due in large part to business to business (B2B) marketers using ABM seeing increased revenue.The survey, conducted by Demandbase and research firm Demand Metric, found 96 percent of businesses surveyed reported that ABM is a key driver of marketing success.
Additional study findings revealed that 71 percent of B2B organizations are using ABM, are interested in adopting the strategy, or are testing it. Of those who have employed ABM for at least a year, 60 percent attribute revenue increases to its use.The longer ABM is in use, the more its full-funnel impact is experienced-- 43 percent of those using ABM for three or more years report that it impacts the entire funnel, compared to just 12 percent for those who have used ABM for two years or less.'" read the full article.

September 4, 2015 - Coverage on Marketing Land's Blog

A Powerful New Tool In The Local Business Toolbox: Content Marketing Is Going Native

"Yes, content marketing is definitely a buzzword. But all it really means is that custom content — that kind of tailored information that tells the real story of a local business — is what consumers really want. In fact, 78 percent of chief marketing officers see custom content as the future of marketing, according to the latest statistics from Demand Metric.
And content marketing is not just for the big brands, either. Ninety percent of all organizations use content in marketing efforts, and 80 percent say that custom content should be the central focus of those marketing efforts, Demand Metric reports. Put it another way: Businesses large and small think custom content makes the world go ‘round.....'" read the full blog post.

August 20, 2015 - Coverage on ReachForce's Blog

Improving Data Collection Strategies

"A recent study of marketing departments conducted by Demand Metric found that 42 percent of study participants reported having no process to improve the quality of data they collect, or an ineffective one.
Businesses that want to use data more effectively should start by taking a closer look at how they’re getting their information.
'The process has to be ongoing; not just something marketing does once in a while, because data spoils quickly,' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst with Demand Metric. 'Next, marketers can use acquired data to help make sure what’s in their database is clean, accurate and complete....'" read the full blog post.

July 30, 2015 - Coverage on eMarketer

Measuring Mobile Effectiveness Still Challenges Marketers

"Mobile advertising is a big business. This year, in the US, advertisers will spend $28.72 billion to reach their targets on mobile devices, eMarketer estimates, an increase of 50.0% over 2014 spending levels. But—as is common with so many digital advertising channels that offer the promise of measurability and ever-increasing efficacy—performance measurement is still a challenge.
In January, US marketers polled by the Direct Marketing Association and Demand Metric reported a median 12% to 14% ROI for mobile...." read the full blog post.

July 3, 2015 - Coverage on Brand Quarterly

Achieve Credibility and Influence with Marketing Performance Measurement

"Even though marketers today continue to plug away at measurement, marketing leaders still struggle with how to demonstrate the impact of marketing spending (2014 CMO Survey conducted by Christina Moorman). Demand Metric with VisionEdge Marketing recently completed the 14th annual marketing performance measurement and management study [...]...." read the full blog post

June 24, 2015 - Coverage on NerdWallet

‘Shut Up’ and 5 Other Tips for Effectively Handling Customer Complaints

"Customer complaints are inevitable for small businesses, no matter how big or small the company. As the saying goes, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. How you handle these complaints is what’s important.
'Employees who aren’t expecting it, who think every day is going to be great and no one is ever going to get unhappy,' Rackley says, 'they are the ones who are going to get surprised and run the risk of getting emotional, maybe arguing with a customer.'
Role playing can be an effective training strategy, since most small businesses already have a collection of customer complaint stories. 'Use those examples of complaints in training and ask each employee how he or she would respond in that situation,' Rackley says...." read the full blog post.

June 17, 2015 - Coverage on AM Online Blog

Guest Opinion: Why is Car Manufacturer Data So Inconsistent?

"The recent Data Hygiene Report research which revealed that car manufacturers are the fifth worst sector at keeping its customer data up to date, is probably no surprise to the industry. Clean and accurate customer data remains a problem for manufacturers and dealers, despite major investment in DMS and CRM platforms. So why is the automotive sector falling behind retailers, charities, financial services and travel and leisure companies? One major issue is that customer data is often held in non-integrated systems by manufacturers and dealers.
Anyone looking for evidence to prove the business case for cleaning up their marketing data need look no further than a study by Demand Metric, a global marketing research and advisory firm*, which claims firms experiencing revenue growth are three times more likely to have clean data than those who are struggling...." read the full blog post.

May 19, 2015 - Coverage on Retail Customer Experience Blog

TouchCommerce Releases TouchMedia Omnichannel Solution

"Omnichannel solutions provider TouchCommerce has introduced TouchMedia for large retailers and other enterprise brands. Through its use of SMS, QR codes and audio identification mobile apps, TouchMedia allows shoppers to interact with brands outside of the brand's controlled environment, according to a company release.
'Brands constantly seek new ways to prove and increase advertising budget ROI while gaining more precise attribution insights that show direct value from advertising efforts,' Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at global marketing research and advisory firm, Demand Metric, said in a statement. 'Today's environment is omnichannel, and there is a pressing need to introduce more cross-device solutions and strategies alongside the customer journey....'" read the full blog post.

May 19, 2015 - Coverage on

TouchCommerce Releases TouchMedia

"TouchCommerce, a provider of omnichannel engagement and mobile chat solutions, today announced the release of TouchMedia, a tool that allows customers to converse with companies through their mobile devices while interacting with offline ads.
'Advertising too often feels like we're sending messages out into the void,' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at Demand Metric, a global marketing research and advisory firm. 'What I like about [TouchMedia] is it's a mechanism for improving engagement. This lowers the response barrier and makes it easier for a customer to do what marketers hope they will do. I don't think this completely closes the gap [between online and offline], but I think it narrows the gap....'" read the full blog post.

May 13, 2015 - Coverage on

TouchCommerce Launches TouchMedia for Omnichannel Strategy

"TouchCommerce, the innovative leader in omni-channel engagement solutions for market leading brands, announced today its newest solution, TouchMedia, which enables large advertisers to transform their brand’s media message into a rich, interactive conversation using personalized engagement tools.
'Today’s environment is omni-channel, and there is a pressing need to introduce more cross-device solutions and strategies alongside the customer journey.  Solution providers with proven mechanisms for customer engagement and conversion, along with the expertise and ambition to build a network of evangelists within the advertising and CRM agency ecosystem, have a tremendous opportunity to dominate this market [Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric].' the full blog post.

May 7, 2015 - Coverage on eMarketer

Are Marketers Measuring Their Business Value

"More than ever, marketers are under pressure to demonstrate their business value. In a March 2015 study by Demand Metric and VisionEdge Marketing, 83% of marketing professionals worldwide said the pressure to prove their business contribution had increased.
A lack of data integration and performance measurement could prevent marketers from maximizing their business impact. According to research released by Teradata in January 2015, 57% of marketing and communications executives worldwide cited better business results as a benefit of using data when making decisions...." read the full blog post.

May 5, 2015 - Coverage on The Wise Marketer

Marketers Are Failing to Prove Their Worth

"Only 1 in 5 marketers earns top marks from the C-Suite for their ability to prove their value and contribution, compared to 1 in 4 marketers in previous years, according to the 14th annual Marketing Performance Management (MPM) Study from VisionEdge Marketing.
The research is conducted each year to provide insights into what the Best-in-Class (BIC) marketers are doing better - or differently - to both improve and prove the value of the marketing function. The 2015 research (a joint effort by VisionEdge Marketing and Demand Metric), identified five key differences that enable marketers to excel at marketing performance management.

'Despite the steady pressure on all marketing organisations to measure and prove their contribution, the gap between Best-in-Class marketing organisations and all others is widening,' said Jerry Rackley, chief analyst with Demand Metric...." read the full blog post.

April 29, 2015 - Coverage on Bulldog Reporter's Blog

Marketing Underutilizes Customer Service: New Study Asserts Marketers Need to Be More Involved in All Aspects of CEX

"Call centers and customer care teams are clearly among the most critical customer-facing teams—but are often understaffed, under-resourced and challenged with constant change and complexity, according to the latest research from marketing research and advisory firm Demand Metric. The org’s new study, Transforming from Call Center to Contact Center, recommends that marketers get involved in all aspects of the customer experience, including contact center operations.
'Marketers must understand the importance of contact centers to marketing and lead generation," said Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at Demand Metric, in a news release. "The contact center agent is a company's frontline customer service representative; in many cases, the primary point of customer engagement. Demand generation, lead nurturing, up-sell and cross-sell opportunities are fundamental marketing and sales activities that the contact center can support and even initiate.'...." read the full blog post.

April 24, 2015 - Demand Metric Releases "Big Ideas" at Demand Generation Virtual Summit

Renowned Marketing Experts to Share Demand Generation “Big Ideas” at Upcoming Demand Metric Virtual Summit

Today, Demand Metric announces its Demand Gen Virtual Summit, a free online forum for marketers and demand generation professionals, to take place on April 29th, 2015.
Featured at this Summit, attendees will hear of the “Big Ideas” that top marketing industry luminaries are focused on solving. The Summit content and presentations are ideal for those who seek to increase performance of their marketing automation, email marketing, online advertising, event marketing and Search Engine Optimization.
This event will debut a new presentation format: a rapid-fire presentation of “Big Ideas” from industry recognized experts in demand generation...." read the full blog post.

April 6, 2015 - Coverage on Information Management Blog

Data-Driven Marketers: Mobile Is One Piece of the Story

"Modern marketers are multichannel strategists, relying most heavily on email, direct mail and social media, according to a new report from the Direct Marketing Association, a trade association that helps advance data-driven marketing efforts.
'Most organizations do not rely on any single type of media or channel for their campaigns,' Jerry Rackley, chief analyst for Demand Metric, said in a statement. Demand Metric, a global marketing research and advisory firm, partnered with DMA on the report.
'In fact, just 35% of this study’s respondents claim to use just a single one, and that one is most often email,' Rackley said. 'What’s more likely is for organizations to use more than multiple channels, and 44% of the respondents use three or more. When this is the case, those media are most likely to be email, direct mail and social media.'...." read the full blog post.

April 2, 2015 - Coverage on Direct Line Blog

Email and Phone Uber Alles

"A marketer lecturing senior management on the merits of direct mail and call centers is about as common as a clean-shaven hipster in a Brooks Brothers suit. But while mobile and social may have captured the hearts and minds of consumers and marketers, email, phone, and direct mail continue to do a better job of capturing sales.
That's among the findings in the latest edition of the Direct Marketing Association's new Response Rate Report. This may well be the most succinct handbook available to direct marketers. It gets right to the heart of the direct matter: measurable results. Whenever an interview subject of mine questions why anyone still uses direct mail, I always respond that it's because it gets much higher response and conversion rates than digital and direct them to the 2012 Response Rate Report.
Be apprised that these are but a few data points lifted from the report for dramatic effect and, though authentic, must be weighed against all the other channel metrics for full effect. 'Email is always going to have a high ROI, because people are going to say, 'It didn't really cost me anything,'' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst of Demand Metric, which conducted the study with DMA. 'But if you look at all the costs of data and technology that could be applied to email campaigns today, there should be a cost.'...." read the full blog post.

March 31, 2015 - Coverage on Marketwired

Cetera Financial Group, Lenovo and Prophix Software Boost Video Marketing Results With Vidyard for Eloqua

"Cetera Financial Group, Lenovo and Prophix Software have recently turned to Vidyard to power their video marketing programs and turn videos into active tools for lead generation and customer insights. In addition to offering a complete video hosting and management solution, Vidyard enables marketers to identify individual video viewers and track their viewing activities within Eloqua and other marketing automation platforms. By tracking who's watched which videos, when and for how long, marketers can more quickly identify their hottest leads and give their sales team valuable insights for closing more deals faster.
In a 2014 survey by research firm Demand Metric, more than 95 percent of respondents reported that video was becoming more important to their marketing and sales efforts, and more than 70 percent reported that video converts better than other content types. However, less than 10 percent were using video analytics to qualify their leads and track the true performance of video assets...." read the full blog post.

March 3, 2015 - Coverage on Virtual-Strategy Magazine

The State of Digital Marketing

"Amplifinity today announced it is dramatically changing how businesses drive customer acquisition and demand generation through the delivery of its new referral amplification platform. The new Amplifinity platform is an enterprise SaaS referral automation engine that powers advocacy programs for some of the world’s largest and most well-known companies.
'Companies that have not invested in the advocacy marketing as a competitive weapon are missing a great opportunity,' said Clare Price, Vice President of Research for Demand Metric Research Corporation. 'Leading brands are discovering they can open up a whole new source of demand generation by putting these emerging channel technologies to use.'...." read the full blog post.

February 11, 2015 - Coverage on EContent

The State of Digital Marketing

"'One of the major realizations that took hold in 2014 is the importance of the customer experience. Companies are realizing they can create a competitive advantage by making the customer journey an amazing one,' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst with Demand Metric.
In 2014, a more robust cloud gave businesses greater access to affordable hosted solutions for project, customer relationship, lead management, sales accounting, data storage, analytics, content management systems, and social networks. Another trend noticed by experts recently is 'content fatigue,' which is caused by excessive content that all starts to look the same to customers. 'A solution that is emerging to address this is interactive content-apps, quizzes, assessments, calculators, and other forms of content that engage the audience,' says Rackley...." read the full blog post.

January 15, 2015 - Coverage on CMO Australia Blog

Panviva’s SupportPoint Cloud Software Assessed in Customer Engagement Technologies Study

"According to the latest research from global marketing research and advisory firm, Demand Metric, customer service can significantly contribute to business growth when aligned with marketing and sales and adequately supported with training and technology. The research examines customer service success factors and provides guidelines for improving business processes, including selecting technologies that can improve customer engagement. A Panviva vendor profile and case study are part of the research [...].
Demand Metric’s research shows that deploying applications that simplify information access and sharing among customer service, marketing and sales improves the performance of each...." read the full blog post

December 17, 2014 - Coverage on Event Garde Blog

The Makings of Marketing Mavens

"Associations are in a tough spot, forced to do more with less. So where does marketing fit in? It often struggles to justify its existence, but associations seem to be embracing it as best as they can, according to a new report by Demand Metric Research Corp., a research and advisory firm serving the association industry.
The 2014 State of Digital Marketing in Associations benchmarking study was administered mid-October through mid-November, with membership associations holding the largest response rate. The median size was 1,001 to 5,000 members...." read the full blog post.

December 3, 2014 - Coverage on MarketWatch

Vidyard Brings Video Engagement Tracking and Analytics to Act-On Marketing Automation Platform

"Vidyard, a global leader in video marketing and sales enablement solutions, today launched its integration with the Act-On marketing automation platform. The integration gives Act-On users the ability to track video viewing activities of their contacts across all distribution channels. Marketers can now leverage the resulting video engagement data to drive qualified leads and help move those leads through the sales funnel more effectively.
While it's important to use a variety of content throughout the sales cycle, video is emerging as the most powerful medium to drive increased engagement and conversion rates. In a recent survey by research firm Demand Metric, more than 70 percent of marketers reported that video converts better than other content types, but less than 10 percent are using video analytics to help qualify leads and improve the results of demand generation programs...." read the full blog post.

November 17, 2014 - Coverage on Opentopic

Marketers: What Formats Have Been Most Effective in Your Content Marketing Curation and Creation?

"Opentopic asked marketers across diverse industries what formats have been most effective in their content marketing efforts–and why. Do your practices align with the mix? And, how can you make sure you’re taking advantage of the most effective formats for your audience to boost your business success? 
'Earlier this year, we conducted a study that provides some data on this topic. What we learned is that interactive content (quizzes, calculators, assessments, configurations, etc.) performs much better than passive content (white papers, case studies, etc.) because it converts well. How well? Interactive content generates conversions moderately or very well 70% of the time, compared to just 36% for passive content. Here are some other comparisons between interactive and passive content. Interactive content is better than passive at: 1) Educating buyers (93% vs. 70%);
2) Differentiating from competitors (88% vs. 55%);  3) Being shared (38% vs. 17%). Our study showed that assessments are the most popular type of interactive content, followed by calculators and content.' -- Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst, Demand Metric Research Corporation...." read the full   blog post.

November 11, 2014 - Coverage on Business 2 Community

4 Repercussions of Bad Sales Meetings

"While much focus is put on positive sales activities that can net great results, the simple fact is: not every sales meeting is flowers and unicorns. As Demand Metric’s The Metrics of Bad Sales Interactions: A Sales Experience Benchmark Report shows, 60% of salespeople sometimes experience bad sales meetings. And those have consequences.
While the median close rate for sales is about 21-30%, there’s no reason that number should rise because of a bad sales meeting. Make sure Sales and Marketing are communicating and on the same page goal-wise, and make sure your products and services live up to expectations. Then stay on top of leads to nurture those relationships so that the chance of a sales meeting going off rails is minimal...." read the full blog post.

October 28, 2014 - Coverage on mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

5 More Dangers of Spreadsheet Overuse (Part 2)

"What if I told you that dangerous software has crept into your company? It’s infiltrated your employee’s computers. It drains productivity, leads to data errors, and could even put your entire business at risk. It’s almost impossible to control. What is this dangerous software? Spreadsheets.
'I did a study last year on marketing analytics, looking at several aspects of the process including the tools in use,' says Jerry Rackley Chief Analyst at Demand Metric Research Corporation. 'For the marketing analytics process to work well, there must be collaboration around the process and sharing of results. The more of both that occur, the more likely it is that the marketing analytics process will deliver results. What I learned in the study is that of all the tools an organization could use to facilitate marketing analytics, there was one tool choice whose use actually lowered collaboration and sharing of data: spreadsheets. And yet, spreadsheets are the most widely used tool for marketing analytics. I counsel my clients to avoid using spreadsheets in favor of tools that help, not inhibit the process'...." read the full blog post.

October 23, 2014 - Coverage on Microsoft Dynamics

Always Be Closing: The ABC’s of Sales in the Modern Era

"So how can organizations set their sales teams up to succeed? Give them the tools, guidance and support they need to do what they do best: sell. In this eBook , we’ll explore ways to do just that, with a focus on the trends shaping today’s buying—and selling—process.
Why is sales productivity a key issue today? According to Jesse Hopps, CEO & Founder of Demand Metric, 'Helping is the new selling. Unfortunately, most companies are not yet at the point of recognizing they need to give their sales teams permission and tools to spend time enabling prospects. Too often sales teams are pressured to make the next sale, maximize margin on each deal, and get their funnels to be 4x their quota. That drives behavior that is not conducive to ‘helping’ and only reinforces the ‘selling’ we have all come to loath'...." read the full blog post.

October 21, 2014 - Coverage on Business 2 Community

The Business Case for Interactive Content Marketing

"Recent research by Demand Metric reveals that interactive content can be a powerful weapon for combating content fatigue. In the Demand Metric study, interactive content was defined as content that invites or requires some level of active involvement by the prospect. The survey provided study participants several examples of interactive content, including wizards, configurators, assessments, quizzes, calculators, and games. Passive content was defined as content that invites or requires little or no interaction by the prospect beyond reading, viewing, or listening.
Demand Metric asked study participants to categorize their content using one of five options – very passive, somewhat passive, moderate, slightly interactive, or very interactive. Then, Demand Metric grouped the responses into two broader categories. The passive content category included the 'very passive,' 'somewhat passive,' and 'moderate' responses, while the interactive content category included the 'slightly interactive' and 'very interactive' responses...." read the full blog post.

October 2, 2014 - Coverage on ClickZ

Why Brands Need Video

"Although original branded video content can be an extremely effective marketing tool, the majority of brands still aren't using it to engage consumers.
As it happens, most of the videos deployed today come from Fortune 500 brands with deep pockets and access to creative agencies specializing in branded content. The majority of advertisers aren't equipped to make that kind of investment, and more often than not, that equates to sitting out the video party. Marketing research firm Demand Metric says four out of five B2B marketers report video marketing success, but 'resources and the ability to produce quality content continue to get in the way of good work'...." read the full blog post.

September 17, 2014 - Coverage on VentureBeat

The Space Between Sales and Marketing is a Big Problem, But It's a Bigger Opportunity

"In many companies the relationship between sales and marketing is a very difficult one. Unfortunately, this broken relationship is considered to be a standard of internal business dynamics despite costing companies millions of dollars every year.
According to a recent survey by Demand Metric on behalf of Showpad, the struggle between marketing and sales results in more than half of all companies regularly losing business due to a bad sales experience...." read the full blog post.

September 17, 2014 - Coverage on VentureBeat

The Space Between Sales and Marketing is a Big Problem, But It's a Bigger Opportunity

"In many companies the relationship between sales and marketing is a very difficult one. Unfortunately, this broken relationship is considered to be a standard of internal business dynamics despite costing companies millions of dollars every year.
According to a recent survey by Demand Metric on behalf of Showpad, the struggle between marketing and sales results in more than half of all companies regularly losing business due to a bad sales experience...." read the full blog post.

September 10, 2014 - Coverage on Forbes

We're Drowning In Data (And How To Build A Lifeline)

"In the big-data era, companies know more about their customers than ever. And they know it faster. Internet signals, such as page views, comments, mentions, reviews, tweets, likes, and shares are all swimming just below the surface. And they can be netted with a click, to be quickly cooked up into a fat PowerPoint deck and shared with the C-suite. But this tide of information that once seemed miraculous has become an unwelcome flood. Eyes are glazing over, as execs struggle over what to do with all that data.
To be useful, data needs to answer questions related to the company’s goals and its bottom line. Instead, it is sometimes used to demonstrate how busy marketers have been. 'It’s very easy for marketers to throw up an analytic smoke screen to executives,' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at Demand Metric and executive-in-residence at Oklahoma State University. 'They’ll say, ‘We just had a digital campaign that generated 50,000 impressions—that’s 15 percent more than the last one we did.’ The CEO will say, ‘That’s great, but what did it do for me?’'...." read the full blog post.

September 9, 2014 - Coverage on eMarketer

There's More to Digital Video Marketing Than YouTube

"YouTube is booming. A recent analysis from Jefferies valued the company at up to $40 billion—more than Twitter. And marketers have taken note, using the platform to share content as digital video continues to rise in popularity. However, based on July 2014 polling by Demand Metric in partnership with Ascend2, it takes more than YouTube to generate the best return on investment (ROI) for video marketing. Instead, responses from marketing professionals in North America indicated that hosting video on one’s own website and external sites, such as YouTube and Vimeo, produced the best results...." read the full blog post.

August 14, 2014 - Coverage on Internet Retailer

In-store Shoppers Can Use QR Codes and Texts to Initiate Mobile Live Chats

"Mobile technology provider TouchCommerce unveils TouchStore, which connects store shoppers carrying smartphones to live chat agents prepared to educate shoppers on products and promotions.
'Mobile engagements are driving omnichannel growth across online and offline shopping environments," says Clare Price, vice president of research at online and mobile marketing research firm Demand Metric. "Solution providers that are enabling brands to embrace the mobile platform and modernize interactions with in-store shoppers will be at the forefront of the omnichannel retail customer experience'...." read the full blog post.

August 13, 2014 - Coverage on EContent

Why Marketers Often Struggle with B2B Content Marketing Effectiveness

"Many marketing professionals operate under the assumption that their business-to-business (B2B) content marketing practices are up to snuff. But a closer look reveals that these pros often suffer from tunnel vision in that their practices are too narrowly focused on early-stage buyer acquisition and fail to create content that engages buyers over the long term.
Marketers are struggling to connect content activity to business value primarily because they aren't measuring it properly or paying attention to the metrics they have, according to Jerry Rackley, chief analyst for Demand Metric. 'To improve in this area, they need to identify relevant metrics for their content marketing initiatives, perhaps even down to the individual content level, and collect, monitor and analyze the metrics. Then, they need to make good decisions about what to do based on what the data is telling them'...." read the full blog post.

August 11, 2014 - Coverage on Internet Retailing

New Technology Enables Shoppers to Consult Live Chat from the Store

"Shoppers can access online live chat in store from their mobile device, using a new solution that aims to bridge the gap between the store and online customer service. TouchCommerce’s newly-launched TouchStore enables shoppers to scan a QR code or send a text message to a number displayed near in-store products.
'Mobile engagements are driving omni-channel growth across online and offline shopping environments,' said Clare Price, VP of research at Demand Metric. 'Solution providers that are enabling brands to embrace the mobile platform and modernize interactions with in-store shoppers will be at the forefront of the omnichannel retail customer experience'...." read the full blog post.

July 29, 2014 - Coverage on Inside BigData

Showpad and GoodData Partner to Deliver Data Analytics to Power Successful Sales Meetings

"New research by Showpad and leading marketing analyst firm Demand Metric demonstrates the significant business impact of a bad sales experience. Seventy-two percent of the outcomes from a bad sales experience result in lost revenue and 70 percent of the time it takes months if not years to restore the relationship. Delivering the right content at the right time has proven to be critical to avoid a bad sales experience.
Showpad currently provides insight on usage, engagement and productivity. With GoodData, users will have access to deeper layers of analytics with better reporting and visualizations on content usage by salespeople...." read the full blog post.

July 29, 2014 - Coverage on Destination CRM

Showpad and GoodData Partner on Data Analytics for Sales Meetings

"Showpad also today released the results of a study conducted with marketing analyst firm Demand Metric that demonstrated the business impact of bad sales experiences. Seventy-two percent of the outcomes from bad sales experiences result in lost revenue, and 70 percent of the time it takes months if not years to restore the relationship.
Showpad currently provides insight on usage, engagement, and productivity. With GoodData, users will have access to deeper layers of analytics with better reporting and visualizations on content usage by salespeople...." read the full blog post.

July 29, 2014 - Coverage on BetaNews

Better Use of Data Can Avoid the Impact of a Bad Sales Experience

"We've all had bad sales experiences at some time or another and they inevitably have a negative impact on our view on the company concerned. A new study by mobile sales enablement specialist Showpad reveals that it can take years to recover from the damage caused to the customer relationship by a bad sales experience.
The survey also reveals a difference in perception between sales and marketing on the value of marketing material. A majority of sales professionals (64 percent) think marketing content is neutral to ineffective, while 76 percent of marketing people, unsurprisingly, rate their collateral as effective...." read the full blog post.

July 29, 2014 - Coverage on MarketingProfs

Why B2B Sales Leads Don't Convert (and Who Is to Blame)

"Most B2B marketing and sales professionals (60%) say price is the top reason Sales doesn't close qualified leads, according to a recent report from Demand Metric and Showpad. Beyond price, other frequently cited reasons for failing to close sales include failure of the sales team to perform (35% of survey respondents), lack of a compelling product or service (31%), difficult business terms or conditions (21%), and failure of the marketing team to perform (18%)...." read the full blog post.

July 29, 2014 - Coverage on BizReport

Study: Sales, Marketing Disconnect Resulting in Bad Customer Experience

"It is no secret that a bad experience - whether in store or online - can hurt the reputation of a business. New data out from Showpad and Demand Metric shows just how important experience has become because in a majority of cases (72%) bad sales experiences result in a loss of revenue.
'The results of this recent survey clearly show that companies across the board are consistently losing revenue because of bad sales experiences,' said Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst, Demand Metric. 'We've been able to derive some valuable insights that can help the marketing and sales functions understand how to better collaborate to ensure that bad sales experiences become a thing of the past'...." read the full blog post.

July 28, 2014 - Coverage on Yahoo! Finance

Vidyard Adds Salesforce Pardot Support to Industry-Leading Video Marketing Platform

"Vidyard, a global leader in video marketing solutions, today announced a new integration that enables Salesforce Pardot customers to identify online video viewers and track their viewing histories as part of lead scoring, qualification and automated nurture programs. With this release, Vidyard now offers native integrations across Salesforce, enabling brands to leverage online video as a strategic component of marketing and sales activities. 
'Vidyard recognizes the importance of integrating video marketing with the CRM and marketing automation tools that organizations already rely on for their everyday work,' said Clare Price, Vice President of Research at Demand Metric. 'Those integrations have propelled Vidyard forward in the market and place them in a unique position to help customers better qualify leads and close more deals with online video'...." read the full blog post.

July 21, 2014 - Coverage on Digital Journal

CodeTactic's Affordable Content Marketing Plans Make Getting More Customers a Reality for Small Business

"Small businesses and institutions can now engage in content marketing plans that will lead them to greater success without having to 'break the bank'.
Not only is content marketing preferred by customers, but by businesses due to its effectivity. Marketers consider branded content more effective than magazine advertisements, and much superior to direct mail and PR. According to the market advisory firm Demand Metric, content marketing generates around three times more leads as traditional marketing. It is also costs much less than other forms of marketing...." read the full blog post.

July 15, 2014 - Coverage on MBA Headlines

6 Steps to Giving an Unforgettable Presentation

"If you're like most people, the idea of making a public presentation is akin to getting a root canal. But to succeed in business, especially if you want to make it to the C-suite, you have to get good at speaking publicly. More than that, you have to learn how to get your point across and persuade an audience. The good news is that giving an unforgettable presentation requires skills that can be learned. And it doesn't have to be scary. Here, experts share their tips -- beyond the usual 'make eye contact' and 'dress appropriately' -- for making presentations that kick you-know-what.
Step 3: Be precise and concise. The sound of your voice is not as mellifluous as you think, so learn when to zip it. 'When the audience just needs to know what time it is, don't tell them how to build a watch,' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at Demand Metric Research Corporation in Stillwater, Okla...." read the full blog post.

July 10, 2014 - Coverage on BizReport

B2B Study: Video Spend on the Rise

"Look for more Business to Business (B2B) companies to invest in video in the coming years. That is the takeaway from a new report out from Demand Metric and Vidyard, which shows already increased spending in video production, and a trend for more B2B brands to push into the video space. 
According to the B2B Video Marketing: B2B Benchmarks and Best Practices report most (69%) have used video for campaigns in the past; the remaining 31% say they 'are planning' to implement video in the near future. And, while only about 15% say their video campaigns are 'very successful', nearly two-thirds believe video is at least 'somewhat successful' for their brand...." read the full blog post.

July 9, 2014 - Top 50 Content Marketing Infographics

"19. Content Marketing Infographic - Demand Metric - The infographic by Demand Metric gives a comprehensive picture of the current state of content marketing, with details of the number of brands using it and their respective budgets for the same. Most of the data shared through the infographic is in terms of percentage.
The infographic answers questions like why companies need content marketing, and also explains the process of content marketing. Some of the sources used to create the infographic include and" read the full blog post.

July 9, 2014 - Coverage on Business News Daily

B2B Benchmarks and Best Practices Report on Video Marketing

"Every business needs a target market to serve. If you think you've found your niche, you may want to take a closer look at it and make sure it's worth pursuing. Without these five critical niche characteristics, your business idea could flop before it even gets off the ground. 
Potential customers that are easy to see are a hallmark of a great business niche. Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at marketing research and advisory firm Demand Metric Research, said it should be easy to identify who would do business with you based on a set of reliable characteristics. 'If you can't put your ideal customers into an identifiable segment, your business plan is a no-go,' he said...." read the full blog post.

June 30, 2014 - Coverage on Media BUZZ

B2B Benchmarks and Best Practices Report on Video Marketing

"Video has become the most engaging form of communications for marketing purposes and is an increasingly important piece of the online B2B marketing mix.
But what will be the most challenging obstacles to video marketing success in the year ahead and how will B2B marketers overcome them? Demand Metric’s B2B Benchmarks & Best Practices Report on Video Marketing has all the answers...." read the full blog post.

June 27, 2014 - Coverage on Business News Daily

36 Ways to Make a Killer Business Presentation

"What makes a good business presentation? Bombarding your audience with information isn't it. Neither is boring them to death with charts and figures. And forget about reading every one of those 20 bullet points you've crammed into each PowerPoint slide (note: this is definitely a don't). What really makes a good business presentation boils down to one thing: engaging your audience. [...] Here are 35 tips, tools and secrets to making killer business presentations, regardless of your topic and audience.
No. 36: Choose the right presentation medium. For many presenters, PowerPoint is the default, and that's fine. However, PowerPoint gets a lot of criticism as the cause of poor presentations, but it is not the fault of PowerPoint if a presentation isn't good. You should pick a medium based on the audience. How big is it? What about the venue? Will you present live, face-to-face on stage before a big audience, via a web meeting or one-on-one in a coffee shop or conference room? What kind of technology is at your disposal? Consider all these factors as you determine which medium makes the most sense. — Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst, Demand Metric Research Corporation...." read the full blog post.

June 20, 2014 - Coverage on Direct Marketing News

Don't Be a Content Marketing Noob [Infographic]

"Marketers are always trying to up their game, and leveraging the right content can help them advance to the next level. According to the Demand Metric 'Content and the Buyer's Journey Benchmark Study,' sponsored by ion interactive, 44% of employees surveyed, most of whom are marketers, say that buyers convert very or moderately well because of content.
And when it comes to standing out from competitors, 88% of employees say that interactive content is very or somewhat effective, versus 55% who claim the same level of effectiveness for passive content, according to the report...." read the full blog post.

June 17, 2014 - Coverage on The Korea Bizwire

New Research Shows Interactive Content is Key To The Buyer's Journey

"A recent study, 'Enhancing the Buyer’s Journey: Benchmarks for Content & The Buyer’s Journey' sponsored by ion interactive and conducted by Demand Metric, highlights the effectiveness of using interactive content experiences to cut through the increasingly cluttered content marketing landscape.
'While we frequently see the positive impact of marketing apps across our customer base, it’s terrific to see independent research that corroborates our experience,' said ion interactive CEO, Justin Talerico.  'Demand Metric did a great job of shining a spotlight on how they affect the buyer’s journey and why brands need to consider not just their content, but the experience of interacting with that content online'...." read the full blog post.

June 16, 2014 - Coverage on ion interactive's Blog

New Research Shows Interactive Content is Key To The Buyer's Journey

"New research shows that interactive content is crucial to engaging and converting buyers during their purchasing journey.  A recent study, 'Enhancing the Buyer’s Journey: Benchmarks for Content & The Buyer’s Journey' sponsored by ion interactive and conducted by Demand Metric, highlights the effectiveness of using interactive content experiences to cut through the increasingly cluttered content marketing landscape...." read the full blog post.

June 11, 2014 - Coverage on lonelybrand

Marketers, Take Note? Interactive Content is Now King

"Content may be king, but unless it becomes more engaging, its reign will end. That’s the trend the team at Demand Metric found in their new study 'Content and the Buyer’s Journey.'
The study was sponsored by ion interactive, and it culled responses from 185 marketing/sales and product management specialists from B2B brands, B2C brands and agencies. The team’s  findings suggest that content marketing is about to move in a drastic new direction, and that content marketers are, likely, not equipped for it...." read the full blog post.

June 11, 2014 - Demand Metric Releases Digital Marketing Maturity Model

Demand Metric today releases the Digital Marketing Maturity Model. Clare Price, vice-president of research for Demand Metric, will unveil this new resource during her keynote presentation at today’s Virtual Summit, "Modern Digital Marketing: Research, Experts, Tools & Solutions” which opens at 9:00 am EDT. Price’s presentation on this new model begins at 9:30 am EDT.
The depth and breadth of Digital Marketing has created a compelling need within the Modern Marketing Organization to gain control of Digital Marketing. “Digital Marketing is at a crossroads,” says Price. “It grew up with the Web and as the Web has matured we have added the complexity of social media, mobile apps and video marketing. Digital Marketing has become a sprawling universe of apps, tools, platforms and frameworks, each with a role to play in creating a digital experience. Choosing them, using them, monitoring and measuring the results adds to the complexity facing most Modern Marketing Departments...." read the full press release.

June 10, 2014 - Coverage on Business 2 Community

Effective Content Marketing & The Relevancy Threshold

"So why is there so much interest in content marketing?  Well first, according to Demand Metric, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and it generates about 3 times as many leads.  The reason content marketing performs so well is because consumers have become immune to traditional marketing like advertising, which pounds the consumer with content that they perceive as irrelevant.  
Today, this type of marketing typically does more to annoy a potential customer than it does to help nurture the prospect into a new client.  However, even though content marketing offers great promise, many organizations have issues effectively executing a content marketing initiative...." read the full blog post.

May 27, 2014 - Demand Metric Host Digital Marketing Virtual Summit

Demand Metric will host its second Virtual Summit of the year, “Modern Digital Marketing: Research, Experts, Tools & Solutions” on June 11th. The Summit provides a gathering place for marketers to learn from digital marketing experts, participate in discussions with peers and get free tools and research to help with their digital marketing efforts. There is no cost to attend and anyone with an interest in digital marketing is encouraged to the full press release.

May 22, 2014 - Coverage on lonelybrand

Quizzes as Content Marketing: The Next Trend?

"Content marketing is about to enter a brave new world — one that focuses more on interactivity than text-dense white papers. Although content marketing has become more visual and more interesting, it’s remained relatively static. This static state has kept users, viewers and readers from engaging with the content on a deeper level.
'Quizzes work well because they trigger personal curiosity, they are fun to take, well designed and, most importantly, highly shareable. At the end of any of these quizzes, there is an opportunity to share the outcome on your social media feeds, which is how BuzzFeed quizzes became known to me in the first place,' Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand Metric Research Corporation, explains. 'Quizzes like this, designed using these parameters, create a lot of engagement and awareness'...." read the full blog post.

April 29, 2014 - Coverage on Digital Journal

Demand Metric Publishes Best Practices Report on Sales Enablement

"Sales Enablement has become one of the most critical arenas for success for modern marketing and sales organizations. 'As a function, Sales Enablement is fundamentally redefining the way Marketing and Sales teams do their jobs,' says Clare Price, Vice President of Research at Demand Metric. 'Enabling the sales force is the best way for modern marketers to prove that they can produce revenue for the organization.'
The 'Sales Enablement: Best Practices, Case Studies and Insights' also covers Sales Enablement systems and applications from six solution categories to help readers make better informed vendor choices in these six application areas....." read the full blog post.

April 29, 2014 - Demand Metric Publishes Best Practices Report on Sales Enablement

Demand Metric, a marketing research and advisory firm, announces the publication of “Sales Enablement: Best Practices, Case Studies and Insights.” The report delivers key recommendations and best practices for how Sales Enablement can make a significant and positive impact on the organizations that are employing it.
Sales Enablement has become one of the most critical arenas for success for modern marketing and sales organizations. “As a function, Sales Enablement is fundamentally redefining the way Marketing and Sales teams do their jobs,” says Clare Price, Vice President of Research at Demand Metric. “Enabling the sales force is the best way for modern marketers to prove that they can produce revenue for the organization...." read the full press release.

April 24, 2014 - Coverage on Digital Journal

Demand Metric Summit: Finding Common Ground For Sales Enablement

"What makes Demand Metric unique is its focus: marketing. All of the resources of Demand Metric are concentrated on topics and issues that represent top concerns for today's modern marketer, such as digital marketing, sales enablement, customer experience, marketing analytics and other subjects. The company's analysts and research directors are all seasoned marketers recognized across the industry for their specific expertise...." read the full blog post.

April 24, 2014 - Demand Metric Membership Surpasses 40,000

Demand Metric, a marketing research and advisory firm, continues to enjoy strong growth, adding 10,000 marketing professionals as new members during the past year.
Demand Metric members are primarily marketing executives, managers and professionals who use the resources of Demand Metric to market more effectively. Those resources include tools, templates, advisory services, research and online, on-demand education. “Our members drive everything we do,” says Jesse Hopps, Chief Executive Officer of Demand Metric. “Our research agenda, resource development plan, and virtually everything we do is influenced by our members. That’s why this growth is so gratifying, because it validates what we’re doing...." read the full press release.

April 21, 2014 - Coverage on Demand Gen Report

Demand Metric Summit: Finding Common Ground For Sales Enablement

"Jesse Hopps, Founder and CEO of Demand Metric, said one of the key challenges for companies looking to improve their sales enablement process is a lack of a common definition. The strategy is defined by its functions rather than benefits, he explained during a keynote presentation at global marketing research and advisory firm’s inaugural Sales Enablement Summit.
Demand Metric defines sales enablement as 'the practices, technologies and tools that improve the performance and productivity of the sales organization' and 'sales enablement drives revenue by directly impacting the sales teams’ ability to close more deals,' Hopps noted...." read the full blog post.

April 10, 2014 - Coverage on The B2B Marketing Mentor

How To Use Your Sales Team to Create Better Buyer Personas

"Buyer personas, which model the personalities, behaviors, motivations and pain points of potential customers, can be a useful tool for shaping your company’s marketing strategies. Many B2B marketers, however, either haven’t developed personas, or have ineffective ones that aren’t being used. So, how can you create buyer personas that actually work?
Your sales reps spend most of their time interacting one-on-one with customers and prospects, gathering important information and insight. When seeking buyer information, where better to turn than your own sales team? I spoke with experts in the field to discover how sales and marketing can work together to create better, more effective buyer personas. Here’s what I found.
What are some common characteristics of buyers? Naturally, after asking sales reps who they’re selling to, your next question should be: Who’s buying? Your reps can describe characteristics of not only the ideal customer, but also of customers who are actually purchasing your product, says marketing research firm Demand Metric’s Chief Analyst, Jerry Rackley...." read the full blog post.

April 4, 2014 - Coverage on the Vistage Blog

Moving Marketing from a Cost to Revenue Center

"Depending on the organization in which it exists, marketing can take on several personas.  Sometimes it is reactive and operationally oriented, managed by a “hair on fire” type of marketing manager.  Other times marketing is a strategic asset, providing leadership to the entire organization while executing a visionary marketing plan that aligns beautifully with corporate strategy.
At the operational end of this spectrum, marketing at best delivers incremental value, and it constantly struggles to justify its budget and existence.  At the strategic end of this spectrum, marketing is a major driver of the organization’s success; it can easily prove its worth and it rarely has issues justifying its existence or the investment made in it.
[...] Demand Metric recently conducted a study, 'Marketing Report Card: Keeping our Seat at the Table' to explore marketing’s evolution from a lead generation service bureau to a strategic, center of influence and revenue engine. The study results provide insights into how marketing can move toward the strategic end of the spectrum...." read the full blog post.

March 29, 2014 - Coverage on Customer Think

How to increase sales goal achievement by 200%+

"In a recent sales enablement benchmark report, [Demand Metric] cross-referenced companies achieving their revenue goals against how effectively those companies were integrating key marketing & sales systems.
The results are clear, simple and powerful.  There are a number of reasons for B2B companies to prioritize sales enablement across both sales & marketing efforts, but this one statistic stands out as one of the more powerful drivers to mobilize a reprioritization and action plan for Q2 and beyond...." read the full blog post.

March 26, 2014 - Coverage on Digital Journal

Demand Metric to Unveil Sales Enablement Maturity Model at Upcoming Virtual Summit

"Demand Metric Maturity Models are supported with tools and other resources to help vendors and organizations using vendor solutions to progress to more advanced states of maturity. 'As our Maturity Models detail the progression from one stage to the other, we give companies and vendors the strategies and tools they can implement to move forward from stage to stage,' says Clare Price, vice-president of research for Demand Metric. 'Our vision for these Maturity Models is to foster improvement throughout the organization. Not only will they provide an objective framework for assessing maturity in a number of marketing technology and practice areas, they also point to tools and resources for improvement.'...." read the full blog post.

March 26, 2014 - Demand Metric to Unveil Sales Enablement Maturity Model at Upcoming Virtual Summit

Demand Metric is set to unveil the Demand Metric Maturity Model at its upcoming Virtual Summit, “Sales Enablement for Success: Research, Experts, Tools and Solutions” on April 3rd. The premier Maturity Model will address Sales Enablement and will serve as the foundation of the more than 80 premium Demand Metric Sales Enablement resources Demand Metric will give to attendees of the Virtual Summit.
The initial release of a Demand Metric Maturity Model addresses Sales Enablement, and its release will take place on Wednesday, April 3, 2014 during the Virtual Summit. The Sales Enablement Maturity Model enables organizations to determine in which of the four stages – Undefined, Progressive, Mature and World-Class – their Sales Enablement initiative belongs by considering eight key organizational components: Orientation, Leadership, Technology/Infrastructure, Alignment, Sales Support Tools, Process, Metrics and the full press release.

March 24, 2014 - Coverage on PropelGrowthBlog

Costructing an Effective B2B Lead Generation Plan

"Having a healthy number of leads is a crucial part of driving revenue. But often B2B marketers are challenged by determining what constitutes a qualified lead. This is often because they’re unclear about where a given prospect is in the buying cycle. The result? Sales wastes their time contacting people that are not yet ready to buy.
To gain greater insight into the lead generation and management process, Salesfusion and Demand Metric conducted a study. The goal was to understand how today’s marketers are handling lead generation – including their techniques, data capturing methods, metrics and budgeting in this area...." read the full blog post.

March 19, 2014 - Coverage on FierceCMO

Research Corner: Most B2B marketers woefully unsuccessful at lead gen

"Even though most have a lead-generation process in place, just 9 percent of B2B marketers are highly effective at generating leads, according to a study from research firm Demand Metric. 
'The organizations that are very effective at lead generation are not using different approaches than those who aren't having as much success,' Demand Metric's Chief Analyst Jerry Rackley told FierceCMO. 'If everyone is using the same approaches, then why are some having so much more success with them?  It comes down to the quality of execution—the organizations reporting high lead generation effectiveness are using the same tools; they're just better at using them.'..." read the full blog post.

March 14, 2014 - Coverage on Digital Journal

Demand Metric Inaugurates Virtual Summit Series with Sales Enablement for Success: Research, Experts, Tools and Solutions

"'The Sales Enablement Virtual Summit is an important industry event for several reasons,' says John Follett, chief marketing officer for Demand Metric. 'It’s a gathering place for the Sales Enablement community, providing a forum for interaction between users, experts, vendors and analysts who have a common interest and goal: empower sales and optimize the sales and marketing partnership for better performance and profitability. It’s also a launching pad for some groundbreaking new content, including: six Benchmark Reports and Infographics, a Best Practices Report with a maturity model and framework, six Technology Solution Studies, more than eight Vendor Profiles and Case Studies, 12 Analyst eWorkshops, six How-To Guides, and two Consulting Methodologies and Tool-Kits including dozens of practical templates and tools to engage our members and drive attendance of senior marketing and sales professionals. Attendees will have access to this rich, new set of resources at no cost, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.'...." read the full blog post.


March 14, 2014 - Demand Metric Inaugurates Virtual Summit Series with Sales Enablement for Success: Research, Experts, Tools and Solutions

Demand Metric will host its inaugural Virtual Summit, “Sales Enablement for Success: Research, Experts, Tools and Solutions” on April 3rd. The Summit is free for attendees and features three keynote addresses and the opportunity to interact with industry experts and Demand Metric analysts. Attendees will also receive more than 80 premium Demand Metric Sales Enablement resources for the full press release.

March 7, 2014 - Coverage on CMSWire

How To Make Marketing Analytics Matter

"Today, we discuss how to make marketing analytics work by using the right tools and generally having the right mindset and approach.
'No marketer I know would disagree that analytics are important. But many of us don't think about them the way that we should,' said Jerry Rackley, chief analyst for Demand Metric, a marketing and research advisory firm based in London, Ontario. Using a colleague's words, 'analytics are a great servant, but a terrible master,' Rackley told CMSWire. 
He continued, 'What truth there is to this statement. Many marketers fear or avoid analytics, because they view it as a 'master' and not the 'servant' that it really is.'...." read the full blog post.

March 4, 2014 - Coverage on

Marketers Adopt Social Media Analytics Tools

"The rise in social media analytics tools has satisfied marketer demand for a way to measure and gather insights from social marketing efforts. Nearly two-thirds of organizations in North America have adopted them, according to a January 2014 study by Demand Metric sponsored by NetBase. And this group responded quickly to the release of such tools—over half of takeup had occurred in the previous two years...." read the full blog post.


Feb 27, 2014 - Coverage on

27 Marketing Experts Share Their Favorite Content Marketing Tools (And How They Use Them)

"[...] We reached out to a bunch of successful and established content marketing experts to see what content marketing tools they actually use and love. Specifically, we asked this question: 'What are some of your favorite content marketing tools to use, and how do you use them?'

'The Google keyword tool is one of my favorites, because it allows me to know which keywords are likely to generate the most search results (and hence, clicks) in the content I produce. The basic data this tool provides – monthly search volume and the level of competition for the term(s) – is very helpful when authoring content for marketing purpose,' said Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst for Demand Metric. ...." read the full blog post.


Feb 5, 2014 - Coverage on Digital Journal

Demand Metric Study Finds Social Media ROI Still Largely Unknown

"Demand Metric has released a benchmark report, 'Social Media Analytics: Enabling and Optimizing Use Cases with Analytics' that reveals that while a majority of organizations have now adopted social media analytics tools, 70 percent are unable to show the ROI of their social media efforts.
'These study results confirm that analytics tools – and knowing how to use them – are the key to social media effectiveness and reporting ROI,' says Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at Demand Metric and report author...." read the full blog post.

Feb 5, 2014 - Demand Metric Releases Social Media Analytics Report

Demand Metric has released a benchmark report on Social Media Analytics.  In this study, sponsored by Netbase, Demand Metric investigated how companies are enabling and optimizing social media efforts through the use of analytics.
Danny Brown, Research Director at Demand Metric, highlights in his Preface to the study, "As this benchmark study from Demand Metric shows, there is no shortage of buy-in for using social media and analytics when it comes to brand collection of data."  This study provesthere is willingness by executives to increase the use of social media analytics as a strategic function and that an increase in this initiative can provide a positive ROI.  However, this study also finds that there is still a disconnect in organizations as to finding the actual ROI of social the full press release.

Feb 3, 2014 - Demand Metric Releases Online Video Marketing Course

Demand Metric has released their most recent Training Course on Video Marketing.  This course includes six guided modules for on-demand viewing as well as a six-stage consulting methodology to assist marketers in creating high-quality, engaging video.
"The Demand Metric Video Marketing Plan Methodology is currently available for free to all Demand Metric members. The Video Marketing Essentials online video marketing course is available now for free to all Gold and qualified Silver and Bronze members. Non-members can purchase course access for $1997 (USD)" the full press release.

Jan 31, 2014 - Demand Metric Launches Study on Marketing Research

Demand Metric promotes its latest benchmarking study on Market Research.  This is study will explore marketing research, methods, tools, topics and challeneges. 
“We are conducting this study to get a clearer picture of the marketing research landscape. Marketing research is typically conducted to minimize the risk of significant initiatives and investments. Our goal for this study is to learn how well marketing research efforts support the strategic, go/no-go decisions it’s often conducted to facilitate.” - Jerry Rackley, Chief Analyst at Demand the full press release.

Jan 31, 2014 - Coverage on Direct Marketing News

2014 Essential Guide to Content Marketing

When it comes to content marketing, marketers’ most common concern is: How do we do it? They’ve recognized that content marketing is a smart strategy. The catch is that they’re now vexed in the execution phase by the how-to’s of sourcing content creation.
The mechanics of the content marketing process are fairly easy to grasp, but the creative challenges of content marketing, including what to write about and what to say, frequently stump marketers. Fortunately, the solution rests within the organization itself, in the form of its own expertise—accessing it is the key to creating great content. Setting the organization’s hidden content sources free will help jump-start your content marketing strategy..." read the full guide.

Jan 28, 2014 - Coverage on CNBC

4 Social Media Strategies to Boost Your Business

"According to a new report from marketing research firm Demand Metric, almost two-thirds of organizations—64 percent of which are small businesses—are using social media analytics. Three-fourths of the study's participants say that their executive decision-making is influenced through intelligence gained via social media. Still, that means somewhere between one-third and one-quarter of small businesses are still leaving a lot of social media money on the table.

'Organizations that are essentially social media spectators—they make periodic posts and are doing virtually no analytics—are getting a fraction of the value from their social media efforts,' said Jerry Rackley, chief analyst at Demand Metric...." read the full blog post.

Jan 23, 2014 - Coverage on the Video Essentials Blog

Video Marketers Need to Raise the Bar in 2014

"Video marketing was a major trend in 2013, with agencies and brands understanding the need to create original online video and use it to engage with customers. In 2014, video marketers will need to up their game, putting more time, effort, and creativity into online video.

That’s the advice of Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm that recently issued an outlook study spelling out what challenges will face the industry in the coming year..." read the full blog post.

Jan 23, 2014 - Coverage on Marketo's Blog

B2B Sales and Marketing: Alignment for the Win

"Purchase cycles are shifting away from traditional models, which means sales strategies need to shift as well. The salesperson is no longer the exclusive expert, and the marketer is no longer the exclusive promoter.
'The Forbes data is not just informative, but directional: Today 80% of B2B purchase cycles are made without vendor contact, and this percentage is only growing. Clearly, buyers are self-educating far deeper into the sales cycle than they once did.'
Jerry Rackley (@DemandMetric), Chief Analyst, Demand Metric
In this climate, organizations have new responsibilities to educate potential buyers. To become trusted educators, organizations must..." read the full blog post.

Jan 23, 2014 - Coverage on

The Demand Metric 2014 Outlook Study: Highlights & Horizons

"As a global marketing research and advisory firm with over 38,000 marketing professionals, CEOs and business owners using their services, Demand Metric is perfectly placed to gather the kind of insights and data few advisory firms have access to.
This can range from custom research studies (like the one shared here today), to a repository of business tools, templates and more to help businesses align their goals with the right data, strategy and technology.

It’s from this data that Clare Price, VP of Research at Demand Metric, has collated and released their benchmark 2014 Outlook Study: Highlights and Horizons, which shares insights from 2013 and where that’s taking us in the year ahead..." read the full blog post.

Jan 15, 2014 - Coverage on the Vistage Blog 

The Key to Achieving Your 2014 Goals: Employee Engagement

"Executives for virtually any organization want to achieve one or more of the following:  higher revenue, greater profitability, more market share, more loyal customers, better productivity and other worthy goals. The persistent, strategic question is what is the best way to achieve any of these?

There are plenty of possible approaches, but one that is often overlooked and represents a vast source of potential energy is the workforce:  highly engaged employees can create a powerful and sustainable competitive advantage.

As evidence of this, a recent Demand Metric study shows that organizations with more engaged workforces report customer retention rates 18% higher than organizations with lower levels of engagement..." read the full blog post.


Jan 14, 2014 - Demand Metric Expands into Africa with Key Partnership

Demand Metric today announces a partnership that allows Business Reach Africa to distribute and develop services for Demand Metric in continental Africa. “Demand Metric is pleased to appoint Business Reach Africa as its exclusive distributor in Africa," says Jesse Hopps, chief executive officer of Demand Metric.

“We have for many years been a global provider of marketing research and advisory services.  As our membership has grown each year, we see increasing interest from the African marketing community, and therefore we have decided it is time to establish a physical presence there.  Business Reach Africa understands how Demand Metric provides value to the marketing community, and with its network of relationships and partners, it is an ideal partner to extend our reach on the African continent...” read the full press relase.


Jan 14, 2014 - Demand Metric Partners to Expand into Europe & Middle East

Demand Metric and Buzzmark have formed a partnership that allows Buzzmark to further develop its business in Europe and the Middle East by distributing Demand Metric services there.  As a result of this partnership, the marketing communities in this region will enjoy better access to the research, advisory services and other marketing resources that Demand Metric provides....” read the full press relase.


Dec 19, 2013 - Coverage on the CS3 Technology Blog 

Email Campaigns Are MUCH More Than Just Your Subject Line

"I attended the monthly meeting of the American Marketing Association, Tulsa Chapter, today. They consistently have outstanding speakers and today was no exception. Jerry Rackley with Demand Metric gave a great presentation about email campaigns and the pitfalls that most marketers don’t consider. He went beyond the standard discussion of “your subject line has to be catchy” and “words to avoid in your subject line”.

He shared some great stats on a survey his firm recently conducted. The average open rate for email campaigns are 19%. If you are marketing to the financial industry, they are least likely to open unrecognized email, while the manufacturing industry has the highest open rate." read the full blog post.


Nov 26, 2013 - Coverage on Blog

Sales Insight - Understanding the Sales Enablement Paradox

"Demand Metric launched a study to understand how sales enablement is defined as well as measure its impact on business.  Organizations with a formal sales enablement function said its charter was to “develop strategy to help improve the sales process.” Yet, 54% of study participants described the role’s responsibilities in operational terms..." read the full blog post.


Nov 25, 2013 - Coverage on Direct Marketing News

Data Quality's Dirty Little Secret

"Few marketers would argue that dirty data is a widespread problem. Even fewer could tell you how much of a problem it actually is.

That's because dirty data—incorrect, incomplete, and duplicate information about prospects and customers lurking in marketing-automation and CRM systems—is a lot like back pain, notes Jerry Rackley, chief analyst for Demand Metric, a global marketing research and advisory firm. Most organizations endure the pain associated with dirty data, but few do anything to alleviate the pain; many simply accept it as a fact of life in the era of analytics.

They shouldn't, according a new survey on data quality that Rackley and his team conducted..." read the full blog post.


Oct 30, 2013 - Coverage on DemandGen Report

Infographic: The Role of Big Data on Marketing

"Big Data is having a big impact on marketing, but only one third of executives are familiar with the term, according to this infographic from Demand Metric, a marketing consultancy. The infographic outlines the opportunities and challenges of Big Data for marketers...." read the full blog post.


Oct 4, 2013 - Coverage on Score More Sales Blog

What is Sales Enablement?

"Sales enablement is much talked about and often misunderstood or misrepresented. Just what is sales enablement and how does it affect the organization as a whole?  This week at DemandCon  I saw one of the best presentations about Sales Enablement I’ve seen given by Jerry Rackley of Demand Metric..." read the full blog post.


Aug 9, 2013 - Coverage on Direct Marketing News

Are These Three Email Addresses Corrupting Your Inbox?

"Email marketing is king of the B2B jungle. Ninety-one percent of B2B organizations use email marketing today, according to Demand Metric's August 2013 benchmarking study, “B2B Email Marketing Effectiveness: Navigating the Minefield to Inbox Placement.” Jerry Rackley, chief analyst for the marketing advisory firm, partially attributes this high email usage to the notion that B2Bs actually focus on forming client relationships, while B2Cs just focus on customer demographics. However, Rackley says a lack of process discipline—otherwise known as laziness—can cause an organization's email power to be short-lived.d..." read the full blog post.


Jul 17, 2013 - Gamification Infographic Published by Demand Metric

"Demand Metric has published a gamification infographic containing a simplified explanation of gamification as a strategy, its benefits, advice on how to get started and examples of gamification applications.  This gamification infographic is a free resource, available for viewing and sharing from the Demand Metric website..." read the full press release.


Jun 29, 2013 - Coverage on MarketingProfs

A Guide to Marketing Genius: Content Marketing Infographic

"Some 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing, and 86% of B2C marketers do. And no wonder: Customers and clients, and potential customers and clients, respond more favorably to content than they do to advertisements and overt selling.

According to research, some 82% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content, and 70% feel closer to the company, thanks to content marketing. What's the big draw for customers and for marketers?

According to the following infographic by Demand Metric, the main reasons for using content....." read the full blog post.


Jun 2013 - Demand Metric Research

The Business of Gamification Infographic

When it comes to online business, gamification has been key for many. Many people associate the word “gamification” as manipulation but in this case that’s not true. For example: everytime you check in somewhere using Foursquare, you get a badge. Better yet, you become a mayor if you are one of the few who checked in their the most. These are all examples of gamification and this is key to foursquare’s success.

Jun 13, 2013 - Analyst Firm Demand Metric Launches New Marketing Community

Demand Metric today launches a new online marketing community to connect its members and marketing thought leaders to advance the state and practice of marketing in mid-size enterprises.  Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm, will immediately include its 32,000 members in this marketing community.  Membership is free and open to any marketing professional or organization looking to share or hone its marketing capabilities... read the full press release.


May 15, 2013 - Demand Metric Releases Report: Marketing Analytics in 2013

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm, the release of a report that summarizes its recently completed study on marketing analytics, Marketing Analytics 2013:  Benchmarks, Insight and Advice.

In April 2013, Demand Metric conducted a benchmarking study to examine how marketing analytics is being adopted, adding value, and becoming integrated into overall marketing strategy... read the full press release.


Apr 25, 2013 - Demand Metric Surpasses 30,000 Members 

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm, announces that its membership now exceeds 30,000, a 100 percent increase from one year ago... read the full press release.


April 9, 2013 - Demand Metric Delivers Online Product Marketing Training Course

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm, announces a new, online training course, “Creating a Product Marketing Plan” available through DM University, its learning management system.  This course guides viewers through a six-stage process that helps them apply best practices to build their own product marketing plan... read the full press release.


Feb 13, 2013 - DM University Launches Marketing Communications Training Course

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm is now offering an online, on-demand marketing communications training course through its DM University learning system.  The course is based upon its popular marketing communications plan methodology... read the full press release.


Feb 12, 2013 - Demand Metric Launches DM University

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm, has launched DM University to offer practical, online marketing training on-demand.  DM University course and workshop offerings are free to Demand Metric premium members, and are available for purchase by anyone else including Community members... read the full press release.


Sep 26, 2012 - Demand Metric  Eclipses  20,000 Members

Demand Metric, a marketing advisory firm and publisher of practical marketing tools and templates, announces that it now has over 20,000 members.  This represents a one-third increase in membership in just six months, and the company projects that full-year membership growth will approach 100 percent by the end of the full press release.