The Smart Way to Market Job Openings Online

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Eloise Best
Eloise Best wrote:

Struggling to attract the right kind of applicant to your job openings? There’s tons of competition when it comes to online recruitment, and many companies miss out on new talent by failing to market their opportunities properly.

Luckily, it’s not hard to increase applications from high-quality candidates, as long as you’re willing to put in a little extra time and effort. Keep reading for four tips that will help your listings to reach the right applicants.

1. Post to the Most Relevant Job Boards

While it might be tempting to post your ad to one or two generic job boards and call it a day, it’s worth taking the time to go a little deeper.

When you advertise openings on industry-specific job boards, you’re more likely to reach the right kind of applicant. For example, instead of advertising your chef position on a generic board and fielding applications from all sorts of unqualified people, consider posting to a catering-specific job board instead.

Job boards exist for all sorts of industries and applicants, so it’s worth shopping around to find the most relevant. Are you advertising flexible, work from home roles? Try posting to job boards aimed at stay-at-home moms. Advertising roles that require knowledge of current pop culture trends? A job board aimed at students could be ideal.

2. Advertise Your Roles on Social Media

Research shows that 48% of candidates used social media in their most recent job search, so it’s really important to advertise roles across all your channels. While a job posting on your website might get a handful of hits, an opening which is shared across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram could reach thousands.

Advertising roles on social media means you’re reaching people who are already interested in your brand, which makes them more likely to succeed as members of staff. If being passionate about your business is a prerequisite for employees, social media is one of the best places to advertise your new roles.

3. Ask Influencers to Share Your Openings

Imagine a social media influencer who’s known for sharing great side-income opportunities shares a link to an Uber Eats driver sign up form. They’ll instantly reach an audience of engaged, interested people who are likely to click the link and apply for the job.

If your company social media accounts don’t have a huge following, asking an influencer for help is a really smart move. You’re providing a valuable opportunity that should appeal to their followers, and increasing your chance of receiving quality applications - it’s a win-win.

4. Pay to Have Jobs Featured on Prominent Sites

Is there one site that all the best applicants in your industry are using? Are you struggling to get many views on your listings? If so, it could be worth paying to have your jobs featured - this could mean that they’re displayed on the homepage, shown at the top of job searches, or included in a weekly newsletter.

If you’ve paid to have a listing featured and still aren’t getting many applications, it’s time to look at the content of your listing. Is it engaging and interesting? Are the benefits of working for you clear? Sometimes a few simple tweaks to the language used in your listings can prompt a huge increase in applications.

If you want to attract the best talent to your company, you need to work at marketing your job openings online. Start today by following the tips above.

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