Product Sales Analysis Tool

Resource Overview

Use this to compare actual sales vs. planned sales for each product.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to analyze actual sales vs. planned sales for each of your company's products and you need to compare all of your products against each other based on those metrics.

Our Solution

We created the Product Sales Analysis Tool to help you compare actual sales vs. planned sales for each product. This tool will also help you see how each of your company's products stack up against each other.

With this analysis tool, you will simply need to input your actual revenue, your planned revenue, % volume, sales volume, new order and any renewable business in each of the Product tabs. After that, you will be able to review the comparisons of your products in the Calculations tab and retrieve a visual representation to share with your Executive and Sales Teams.

Key Benefits

  • analyze individual product sales
  • compare product sales against each other
  • share comparison chart with executive team
  • save 4 hours on writing & formatting
  • can be easily customized to suit your needs


Microsoft Excel Document

Estimated Time Required: 4 Hours

Skills Required: Excel Analysis