Social Media Analytics Benchmark Report

Resource Overview

In a December 2013 study, Demand Metric and Netbase partnered to investigate how companies are enabling and optimizing their social media efforts through the use of analytics.


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Executive Summary

In a study sponsored by NetBase, Demand Metric investigated how companies are enabling and optimizing their social media efforts through the use of analytics. Specifically, the following aspects of social media and analytics were explored:

  • The extent to which social media analytics tools are currently in use
  • The use cases for social media analytics and which are providing the most valuable insights
  • The influence social media has on customer revenue
  • The extent to which insights and intelligence gained through social media analytics influence executive decision-making
  • The use of and budget for social media advertising
  • The challenges organizations are having measuring the impact of their social media efforts
  • The ROI of social media efforts and how social media use will evolve in 2014  


These study results provide insights and best practices that will help organizations measure the results of their efforts and enable more effective use of social media.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Social Media Analytics Use
  4. Social Media Applications & Insights
  5. Social Media Influence
  6. Social Media Command Centers
  7. Evaluating Social Tools
  8. Measurement Challenges & ROI
  9. Social Media Advertising
  10. The Future of Social Media
  11. Analyst Bottom Line
  12. Acknowledgements

  13. About Netbase & Demand Metric
  14. Appendix - Survey Background


Research Methodology

The Demand Metric 2014 Social Media Analytics Survey was administered online during the period of December 3, 2013 through January 3, 2014. During this period, over 125 responses were collected that were qualified and complete enough for inclusion in the analysis.