Demand Generation Best Practices Guide

Resource Overview

Read this best practices report to learn how Demand Generation has developed and how to implement Demand Generation functions within your company.


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Executive Summary

“When I want something, I must have it!” What better way to sum up the goal of Demand Generation – to create a desire, a need, a craving so strong that whatever it is your customer simply must have it. It’s easy to see that play out in the B2C consumer driven marketplace. But make no mistake about it, the same strong desire works equally well in the B2B business environment. The approach, the drivers and challenges are different. Yet in the end, the decision maker has to see the overwhelming topline need for the product or service to issue that all important PO (purchase order).

As important as Demand Generation is, creating it and sustaining it has become one of the biggest challenges facing the Modern Marketing Organization (MMO). Demand Generation activities must be coordinated and delivered in a multi-channel, multi-device environment. Strategies must be so well defined and integrated that the customer or prospect receives the same messages and experiences across the omni-channel; and that experience must be as personalized and relevant as possible.

Demand Metric’s research, benchmark studies, methodologies and tools have consistently shown that effective Demand Generation requires following best practices and processes in a coordinated, holistic approach.

In this Best Practices Report, we will focus on these six key components of Demand Generation: Email Marketing, Online Advertising, Search Engine Optimization (SEO),Event Marketing, Marketing Apps and Predictive Analytics.

The goal of this report is to enable the MMO to create an Enterprise-level approach to Demand Generation that supports their holistic, end-to-end activities, programs and initiatives.

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. What is Demand Generation?
  3. Benefits of Demand Generation
  4. Demand Generation vs. Lead Generation
  5. Demand Generation & The MMO
  6. Demand Generation Landscape
  7. Demand Generation Framework
  8. Demand Generation Maturity Model
  9. Action Plan
  10. Analyst Bottom Line
  11. Our Best Practices Report Methodology
  12. About Demand Metric