B2B Data Management Best Practices Guide

Resource Overview

Read this Guide to help you organize your data management efforts. You will also learn how to define goals, specify requirements and build a plan to meet those requirements for data management success.


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Executive Summary

The B2B buying process has changed in recent years, with customers doing more research on their own and delaying engagement with sales teams until late in the purchase cycle. This has increased the need for marketers to reach customers early in the buying cycle and to provide more information as their research progresses. The effort has multiplied further as the number of interaction channels expands.

In this new environment, effective data management is essential for success. Balancing multiple opportunities to find the best marketing investments relies on data as do finding and delivering the most effective treatments for each prospect. The sheer number of choices means that only a data-driven approach can produce the right decisions.

Good data management isn’t easy. Data comes from many sources in many formats. It must be acquired, assembled and analyzed to make sound marketing decisions. Then, the data must be made available to customer-facing systems in order to execute those decisions on a one-to-one basis.

This How-To Guide will help you organize your data management efforts. You will learn how to define goals, specify requirements and build a plan to meet those requirements. Then, you can begin your journey to data management success.

This Guide is designed to provide practical advice for B2B Data Management and outlines the following:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. B2B Data Management Best Practices
  3. B2B Data Management Maturity Levels
  4. Taking Advantage of B2B Data Management
  5. When Data Enhancement Makes Sense
  6. Action Plan
  7. Bottom Line


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