Performance Review Template

Resource Overview

A comprehensive template that standardizes your employee appraisal process.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to conduct an employee review for the purpose of improving upon an individual’s performance. A performance review template is important because a lack of reviews on a regular basis leads to reduced employee morale, decreased management credibility, diminished organizational effectiveness, and an increased cost for human resources.

Our Solution

A comprehensive Microsoft Word Performance Review Template that standardizes your employee appraisal process. Sections of the review include:

  • Overview of Previous Quarter
  • Accomplishments and Obstacles
  • Strengths & Opportunities
  • Goals, Targets, and Action Items
  • Suggestions for Organizational Improvement
  • Competency Self-Evaluation
  • Competency Manager Evaluation
  • Professional Development Plan


Key Benefits

  • Standardizes Review Process
  • Save 4 hours writing & formatting
  • Contains Self & Manager Evaluations
  • Comprehensive 18-Page Template
  • Improves employee morale & expectations


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 4 Hours

Skills Required: Professional Development Planning