Lead and Customer Scoring

Jesse Hopps

Best Practices for Growing Profitability

Aberdeen Group research found that organizations that practice lead scoring or customer scoring enjoy strong customer retention rates and high profitability. Among the key findings that help to optimize the use of a scoring solution are the ability to determine lifetime customer value, the need to ensure a rich set of data is available to feed the scoring software, and the use of appropriate metrics to measure the performance of the scoring software.

Featured Insight of the Day

Organizations that employ a scoring approach are much more likely than other survey respondents to have access to customer behavioral data, internal unstructured data, customer transactional data and external unstructured data.

Access to a variety of high-quality data can improve scoring accuracy, as more data points and facets of the customer relationship can be taken into consideration to generate the score. Aberdeen's research data does show that organizations that employ scoring do tend to have a more extensive set of marketing capabilities than other organizations. See Figure 5: Better Customer Understanding and Offer Targeting.

How Demand Metric Can Help

If you are looking to mature in this area and ramp up your lead scoring capabilities, check out the following templates:

Lead Scoring Template

Lead Generation Maturity Assessment

Key Account Planning Template

Key Account Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Qualified Lead Definition Tool

Next Steps?

If you are currently a member of Demand Metric and would like to learn more about how you can read the rest of this Analyst Insight and get access to over 6500 additional reports in the Aberdeen Research Vault, click here.

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To learn more about Demand Metric, click here.

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